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Case study: Payroll and HR agenda for fashion industry giant

Our customer

The client is a French luxury fashion house with more than a century of tradition and with branches all over the world. Accace has been working with the client in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, providing payroll and HR administration services to over 100 employees in these countries.

Retail T&A solution including shift regimes and store divisions

Seamless service delivery in 3 countries

Over 100 employees serviced with the latest payroll and HR technology

Properly reflected country specifics, such as electronic Taxpayer Declaration workflow

Business impact

  • For their Czech entity, the client uses a workflow for the declaration of the taxpayer, which is a yearly process required by the law. We digitized the whole procedure in the same cloud system that the client uses for other HR related tasks.
  • We handle the administration of employment documentation at the beginning and end of the employment relationship, processing of employee attendance records, administration of employee benefits provided by the client, management and archive of personal files in both paper and electronic form, administration of agenda related to the employment of disabled people and the administration of business travels through our online portal.
  • Beyond the agreed scope, we also provide ad-hoc services, such as preparation of specific reports for company’s management.
  • The client chose to outsource the payroll agenda, including the use of our online payroll portal for the exchange of payroll data and the distribution of electronic payslips.
  • The client also uses a module for attendance management that allows employees to conveniently record their attendance online. It is a special attendance module built for retail chains with industry specifics like shift regimes or store divisions. The attendance data is then uploaded to the payroll system after the manager’s approval.
  • The client manages the company’s business trips in our online portal as well, which allows employees to streamline the travel agenda along with their attendance and other HR-related matters in one cloud. 
  • Thanks to using our online payroll, T&A and business trips solutions, the employees are unburdened from paperwork.
  • The client has the payroll and HR area covered in accordance with the legislation of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
  • We register and de-register employees at the relevant local authorities (health insurance companies, social security) and represent the client in audits and inspections by state authorities.