Beware of job offer scams: Accace does not recruit via Telegram, WhatsApp or similar channels. All official job listings are published only on official Accace websites, verified social profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) and trusted job portals.

Who we are

One step ahead of your needs

The story of Accace

Accace was founded in 2006 as a local accounting firm of 34 employees. Already from the beginning, we noticed our clients’ need to have their internal processes optimized by a single outsourcing provider, which shaped our next steps and company focus.

After more than 15 years on the market, Accace has developed into an innovative, full-range BPO and advisory provider, engaging more than 7,000 professionals and serving over 80,000 clients internationally.

Our mission is to support our clients, colleagues and partners in reaching their dreams, while leaving a positive imprint on the world. Guided by our strong values of excellence, cooperation, flexibility, passion, trust, and commitment, we succeed by achieving goals that involve more than just financial accomplishments.

Why we are called “Accace”?

Our name, Accace, read [əkeɪs], is a tribute to our humble yet formative beginnings, when we started as an accounting firm. Accace stands for “accounting ace” and it showcases our early yet ever-present ambition to become the ace on the market.

We are among the TOP 50 regional outsourcing companies in EU

50% of Accace’s business comes from Fortune 500 companies

98% of our customers would definitely contract us again or recommend us to associates

We help companies switch from paper-based office to fully online business administration

What makes us unique

  • In-house developed smart solutions backed up with automation and online technology
  • Unique combination of expertise and technology
  • Services streamlined and brought to our clients with priority on innovations
  • High level of automatization of provided services with guaranteed accuracy
  • Strong focus on data confidentiality and data security (ISO and ISAE certificates)
  • Erasing the borders to create a single market for our clients with tremendous possibilities
  • Connecting needs with solutions regardless of the location
  • International coverage and simplified global expansion thanks to our business community
  • Experience with multi-country service delivery, driving down costs and saving time spent with managing a network of different external providers
  • Creating a knowledge hub across the globe by connecting local expertise with international reach
  • Single point of contact for smooth cooperation
  • Human-centred and emphatetic approach prioritising our clients
  • Confidence in understanding our clients’ needs and drive to discover tailor-made and out of the box solutions for them
  • Solid local and international background of our expertise

Our balanced approach towards the stakeholders

What do we mean by “stakeholders” in Accace? By definition, a stakeholder refers to a person, a group or an organization that can affect or be affected by the company’s actions, goals and policies. In our eyes there are 4 main groups of stakeholders that make Accace the company it is today: colleagues, clients and partners, environment and society and our shareholders.

All stakeholders play an equal role in Accace ecosystem. Why equal? Because each of these groups is vital to our strategy and we are equally influenced by the dynamic of each group.


We engage more than 7,000 professionals whose ideas and enthusiasm helped Accace shape its path and culture over time. Thus we continuously seek to attract, develop and motivate individuals who wish to reach both personal and professional fulfilment, are not afraid to be themselves, believe in solutions and in mutual trust. They are the secret to our success.


We choose valued relationships over temporary gains, thus we currently have a client portfolio of over 80,000 international companies and trusted partners in several countries.

Being aware that our service quality is reflected in our Client’s success, we never stop innovating regardless what we do.


We strongly believe that giving something to local communities and people involved in them is as important as any other service that the company is providing. Therefore, we permanently seek to increase the positive impact of our actions as a company and as individuals, through ethical and responsible behaviour.


We engage more than 7,000 professionals whose ideas and enthusiasm helped Accace shape its path and culture over time. Thus we continuously seek to attract, develop and motivate individuals who wish to reach both personal and professional fulfilment, are not afraid to be themselves, believe in solutions and in mutual trust. They are the secret to our success.
