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Case study: Transfer pricing services and consultancy for a multinational company

Our customer

A large multinational developer company was requiring complete consultancy in the field of transfer pricing in several countries they operate in. Accace provided the full scope of transfer pricing services to the client, from initial communication, data collection, setting transfer prices before the start of individual transactions to ensure transfer pricing compliance, to the finalization of transfer pricing documentation, including the defense of transfer pricing documentation during tax audits and additional transfer pricing consultancy.

Cooperation since 2016

Preparation of more than 30 documents and over 15 transactions for the client

In general, we prepared around 230 documents for over 150 companies

We are licensed to utilize the commercial database Amadeus (through the search tool TP Catalyst)

Business impact

  • Determination of controlled transactions with related parties: evaluation of individual transactions, determination of an appropriate level of grouping for testing purposes, and profitability of grouped transactions
  • Preparation of documentation based on standard template and selection of transfer pricing methods
  • Functional and risk analysis concerning significant transactions
  • Comparison of prices calculated using the specified method with actually applied prices, notification of any discrepancies in the prices with the arm’s length principle, along with proposing corrective solutions for the future
  • Setting up the financing system for development projects
  • Benchmarking analysis based on prices in the TP Catalyst tool, a platform for searching external comparable data within the European and worldwide Amadeus database
  • Access to databases for licenses and service contracts from Royalty Range
  • Access to the database for financial transactions from Mooodys, allow us to cover all transactions.
  • Flexible change of the valuation system despite of changes in the company or growth of projects
  • Transfer pricing knowledge-sharing within the entities of the company
  • Single point of contact for effective information management for all entities and projects

The responsible expert for this particular client was Lea Balogová from Accace Slovakia. As a Senior Transfer Pricing Specialist, Lea focuses on formulating transfer pricing strategies and overseeing a dedicated team. Throughout her career, she has prepared numerous transfer pricing documentations for both Slovak and international companies. Lea leverages her expertise to provide excellent transfer pricing consulting and to conduct training sessions for clients and professionals. Notably, she has also provided training to employees of the Financial Administration of the Slovakia Republic.
