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Corporate Social Responsibility

Making a difference, one step at a time

Our global culture is built upon respect and awareness of local cultural needs and differences and we aim to be an ethical, social and environment-friendly organization in every country in which we are present. We strongly believe that giving back to local communities and people involved in them is as important as any other service that the company is providing, therefore we have adopted the “Triple P bottom line” strategy (People, Planet and Profits) – which focuses on measuring the impact of our activities on people’s lives and on our planet, in addition to the financial results.


We should never forget that business without people is nothing. Therefore, ensuring an equilibrium between work and personal life for our employees, as well as creating a better community around us, are 2 crucial matters in the current social environment. Helping the ones in need financially and emotionally, supporting medical researches and charity organizations, or donating blood, are just a few examples where we can impact one’s life.


Protecting the environment where we and our children live in could take many forms and is something that we can all do, by just paying attention to our everyday actions. At Accace, we have developed several projects focused on waste sorting and reduction, using technology to diminish the amount of paper used and replacing gradually the paper we do use with recycled type.


Profit reinvestment could sometimes go wrong for a company, but when it comes to investment in our People and our Planet, it is a sure decision. We allocate a part of our profit to CSR programs, in the countries we are present in, and encourage other businesses to do the same, because the actions we do today, will impact someone’s life tomorrow.

The Corporate Social Responsibility Program became an integral part of Accace´s daily activities in every country in which we are present and we believe that the public acknowledgement of social responsibility is an integral component of a successful company.
