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Accace Romania has participated in the charity event “Copacul cu Fapte Bune”

April 2, 2018
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This weekend took place the 10th edition of “Copacul cu Fapte Bune” (The Tree with Good Deeds), a charity event for collecting clothes, school supplies, toys, food, hygiene products for people in need or for street people. This is the first time we are attending this event, with the help of our colleagues.

“Copacul cu Fapte Bune”, initially called “Copacul cu Haine” (The Tree with Clothes), represents a social cause campaign initiated by the Romanian journalist Cristina Hurdubaia, which takes place regularly in Cismigiu, a park from the center of Bucharest, and which is based on volunteering. We highly recommend you this event, and for more details about how you can get involved and help, as well as for pictures and information about past editions, please check their Facebook page: Copacul cu Fapte Bune.

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