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Business continuity in Ukraine: Announcement to our clients and partners

March 24, 2022
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In the light of the current invasion of Ukraine, we would like to ensure our clients, partners and colleagues that our Ukrainian branch office continues to operate and service customers, prioritising the safety, security, well-being and awareness of all parties involved. We have taken all the necessary precautions and steps to ensure business and service continuity, having implemented a set of systems and processes that allow us to stay committed to our community and activities.

Being present in Ukraine since 2007, we successfully managed to mitigate the potential impact of external factors these past years and what we are facing now is no exception. We coordinate both with our clients and partners to help each other, our employees and the employees of our clients. Backed up by an international team of experts and online solutions available anytime from anywhere, Accace Ukraine is ready to support existing and new customers in the capacity we always had available.“We are positive that Ukrainian businesses will recover as soon as it will be possible based on the circumstances,” says Anna Magdich, Managing director of Accace Ukraine. “Our dedicated team is ready to keep on providing support and facilitate the growth of companies, contributing to and building a thriving future for our country.

Our professional team closely monitors the evolving government guidance and adopted legislation to understand what changes need to be made to our operations and to be able to swiftly react in the interest of our clients in Ukraine, ensuring full compliance. The experts in our other branch locations are also actively overseeing the local legislative changes implemented to support Ukrainian citizens and businesses, providing the latest information in the surrounding European countries.

For more information about the latest legislation, support measures and adopted aid, visit our dedicated section in our Newsroom

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