Beware of job offer scams: Accace does not recruit via Telegram, WhatsApp or similar channels. All official job listings are published only on official Accace websites, verified social profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) and trusted job portals.


We work, we play, we celebrate
  • Departments

  • Offices

Who we are

Our mission is to support our clients, colleagues and partners in reaching their dreams, while leaving a positive imprint on the world. Guided by our strong values of excellence, cooperation, flexibility, passion, trust, and commitment, we succeed by achieving goals that involve more than just financial accomplishments.

“There are many different reasons to build a company. My motivation is quite simple – I truly believe that the main purpose of an organization is to make the world a better place. 

Another reason is to have some fun – that is why we set up ambitious goals for ourselves –one of them is to serve our clients in 50 countries by 2028. And let´s not forget one more key element, which spices our lives – smile.

 If you are ready for challenging projects, we can spread Accace´s way of doing business to new countries together.

I am looking forward to meeting you in one of our offices! “

JIŘÍ MAJER – Founder

Accace success stories

Angelica Ene-Kaiser

Exciting journey from payroll department to Digital Growth Lead position

Read about Angelica’s story

2008 – Joined Accace Romania as Junior Payroll Accountan

2009 – Promoted to Payroll Accountant

2011 – Her 1st Payroll & HR study. Writes articles and shows other skills in internal branding contest

2012 – Payroll software implementation – technical abilities discovered

2013 – Moved to marketing department (RO & Group) – involved in new web setup

2014 – Promoted to Group Marketing Specialist

2016 – Promoted to Group Marketing Team Leader

2020 – Promoted to Group Digital Growth Lead

Zuzana Krajčová

From reception to the head of payroll department

Read about Zuzana’s story

2008 – Joined Accace Slovakia as Receptionist

2010 – Discovered the beauty of payroll area, moved to the payroll team and started to work as Junior Payroll Accountant

2013 – Promoted to Payroll Accountant thanks to her newly gained experience of processing payroll for big international clients

2016 – Promoted to Payroll Supervisor

2017 – Promoted to Payroll Manager and lead the payroll department together with another manager

Stanislav Železný

Fast growth from junior to manager within service line department

Read about Stanislav’s story

2012 – Joined Accace Czech Republic as Junior Tax Consultant after finishing university studies

2013 – Promoted to Tax Consultant, Started transfer pricing projects in the Czech Republic from scratch

2015 – After only 2 years, promoted to Senior Tax Consultant and decided to focus on the area of VAT where he currently manages all the projects

2017 – Kept the growth mindset and promoted to Tax Manager, developed a great IT tool to make the VAT processing more efficient

2020 – Leads the Czech VAT team and got promoted to Senior Tax Manager

How our employees live by our values in their daily life


“Our new junior colleague came with many improvements, how our internal reports can be done much easier. And we implemented them all. In Accace, every voice is heard, and many ideas of also junior colleagues have been turning into reality.”

Mária, Internal Finance Team


“I showed interest to work for another department. Accace gave me an opportunity to change a profession. And from a receptionist in sequence I became a project manager.”

Timea, Project Management Team


“I needed to finish a project with a very short deadline and sat in the office desperate that I was not able to manage it. My colleague saw how desperate I was and even that she had tickets to a theater, she cancelled her plans for an evening and helped me to manage it.”

Stanislav, Tax Team


“I always try to pass my passion and my enthusiasm for an accountancy to colleagues during internal trainings.“

Michal, Accounting Team


 “I learned here that there is no request I am not able to solve. Routinely I solve problems that seemed to be insolvable at the beginning.”

Denisa, Human Resources Team


“I can go to a gym during a day. Accace trusts me that I finish my work on time”

Petr, Advisory Team 

How we care

Learning and development

  • Well-structured on-boarding training customized for your position
  • Dedicated mentor helping you during your first weeks with us or shortly after your promotion
  • Portfolio of challenging projects to help you develop various skills
  • English or German language courses during working hours to boost your language proficiency
  • Professional trainings to improve your hard and soft skills
  • Support in getting qualifications, such as ACCA
  • Daily cooperation and knowledge sharing among various departments
  • Chance to travel and gain invaluable experience from other branches

Performance management

  • Regular constructive feedback to empower your successful future
  • Yearly evaluation interview to review your performance and set up goals to drive your career
  • Unique tool, My Accace Journey, to enable you to hold your whole-year progress and goals in your hands
  • Possibility of quick professional growth and promotion that reflect your performance
  • Opportunity to change career direction or try new profession that you are drawn to
  • Open Book Management and culture of no hidden agenda

Reward and recognition

  • Regular re-evaluation of your salary based on your performance
  • Transparent bonus system reflecting company results
  • Extraordinary performance bonus for outstanding contribution
  • New employee referral bonus to reward recommending a new team member
  • New client referral bonus for expanding our clients’ portfolio
  • Award for the employee of the month, quarter or year
  • Attractive benefit package mirroring our values

Life in Accace

  • Opportunity to participate in CSR projects and plentiful volunteering activities
  • Open Door Policy to amplify your voice and make you be heard
  • Individual approach to give you freedom to be yourself
  • Flexible working hours to match your lifestyle
  • No control of your daily agenda as results are what really matters
  • Possibility of taking home office
  • Extensive range of internal projects, carried out in form of gamification to strengthen our teams’ spirit and camaraderie
  • Diverse workshops on interesting topics – for both professional and personal development
  • Many teambuilding events to celebrate our milestones together

How we act in numbers


Number of employees in our offices

34 years

Average age of employees


Annual employees growth


Employees working for us more than 3 years



Number of cups of coffee we drink yearly
