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Webinar: Real estate tax in Poland – Prepare for the 2025 changes

Prepare for the changes in the real estate tax in Poland
10:00 am11:30 am (CET)

On January 1, 2025, the most significant property tax reforms in polish history will take effect, introducing new definitions of taxable buildings and structures. These changes will require companies to reassess their current property portfolios and reevaluate tax calculations. With the President’s recent signature of the November 19, 2024 amendments to the Polish Agricultural Tax, the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, the Law on Forestry Tax and the Law on Stamp Duty, businesses must now prepare for fundamentally different tax obligations in the coming year.

Join us for a comprehensive webinar designed to guide you through these landmark changes. Our expert will clarify the new regulations, highlight key areas of uncertainty, and offer practical advice to help you adjust your approach to identifying taxable property elements.

The attendance is free of charge. Don’t miss this opportunity to ensure your business is ready for 2025’s new tax landscape.


  • Introduction
    • A brief overview of the importance of Real Estate Tax (RET) in Poland.
  • Taxpayers of Polish Real Estate Tax
  • Rulings of the Polish Constitutional Court from 2023 concerning Real Estate Tax
    • Definition of a building: Discussion of the ruling from July 4, 2023 (case ref. SK 14/21).
  • Tax rate for multi-car garages
    • Analysis of the ruling from October 18, 2023 (case ref. SK 23/19).
  • New definitions – building and structure
  • What will actually change?
    • Taxation rules for technical equipment, construction devices, and infrastructure after the changes
    • The concept of construction resulting from building works and permanent attachment to the land
    • Comparison of Annex No. 4 to the Ministry of Finance’s draft with the current wording in the Construction Law Act
    • Issues regarding tanks, silos, and bunkers
    • Multi-car garages.
  • Impact of changes on taxation of various objects (practical examples)
  • Who will be particularly affected by the changes?
    • Highlighting specific industries.
  • How to prepare for Polish Real Estate Tax settlement in 2025 to meet the new expectations of the Polish Ministry of Finance? Accace assistance:
    • Tax review
    • Tax opinions
    • Consultations and expertise in the field of taxation
    • Cost segregation.
  • Q&A session

Who is this webinar for?

This event is dedicated to entities involved in construction investments, developers, property managers, investors, and landowners, both current and those planning future projects. We particularly welcome members of executive boards, Chief Financial Officers, Tax Directors, professionals from accounting and administrative departments, and other key stakeholders responsible for tax-related matters within their organizations.


Piotr Zając
Managing Director and Partner| Accace Poland

Piotr is the Managing Partner at Accace Poland, responsible for a team of lawyers and tax advisors known for executing innovative projects in the areas of tax, legal, and transactional advisory. His primary focus lies in transaction advisory and representing clients in disputes with public administration authorities.

Piotr has extensive experience in tax advisory, particularly in property tax, in the context of both transactions and disputes with tax authorities. He has led numerous optimization projects for assets such as golf courses and hotels, and has provided advisory on the tax classification of energy, transmission, and sanitary infrastructure. His expertise includes resolving interpretational issues related to the definitions of structures, buildings, and taxable technical infrastructure.

Piotr’s portfolio includes transaction support for the Złota 44 project in Warsaw, tax and transaction advisory for the Pereca 1A project in Warsaw (PRS sector), tax advisory for the Atrium 2 project in Warsaw, and tax and transaction advisory for the Factory Outlet Gliwice project.


Wish to learn more about the Polish real estate tax before the webinar? Our experts have prepared an eBook that provides detailed information about the upcoming changes, along with nearly 50 Q&A.

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