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Webinar: Why to invest in Poland | Accace Poland

11:00 am12:00 pm (CET)

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar on why to invest in Poland, on April 4, 2023, in cooperation with our branch office Accace Poland and the Investor Academy, founded by Walter Herz. Join us for a 1-hour online session and find out why it is worth investing in Poland!

Established in Warsaw in 2009, Accace Poland has vast experience covering full range accounting, payroll, tax and legal services under one roof and a strong customer base that makes us the first-choice outsourcing and consultancy services provider to work with in Poland. Our joint webinar with Walter Herz and the Investor Academy focuses on the current status of the investment market in Poland, which today primarily attracts investors seeking to expand their business prospects and invest in commercial real estate in Central and Eastern Europe, with a special emphasis on Poland as the country most appealing to such investors.


During the webinar, you will gain answers to the following questions:

  • What does the real estate investment market look like in Poland – office, industrial (logistic), retail and hotel sectors – after 2022?
  • What are the trends for 2023+?
  • What are the results of unique sentiment survey prepared by Walter Herz among investors operating in Poland?
  • What are the possible investment directions in the Real Estate sector?
  • What are the possibilities and stages of entering the market?
  • What does the Scheme of a potential transaction look like?

The webinar is aimed to attract business-focused opinion leaders and investors who are looking for business and investment opportunities.


Michal Zalewski
Accace Poland

Michal is a manager in the Financial Advisory team at Accace Poland who has a vast experience working with leading consulting firms in the country. He holds a degree in Finance and Accounting and International Economics from the Warsaw School of Economics. Currently, Michal is in the process of becoming a certified public auditor.

Michal’s areas of specialization include transactions, internal and external audits and business consulting. He is an expert in providing advisory services to investment funds, real estate and RES SPV’s.

Piotr Szymonski
Walter Herz

Piotr is a Director of the Investment Department at Walter Herz. He is an expert in the retail market and transaction structuring. Working in the real estate sector for over 15 years, Piotr has gained an operating and negotiating experience in different segments of the market, including investment and development in the commercial and residential and retail sectors.

Bartlomiej Zagrodnik
Walter Herz

Bartlomiej is the founder and Managing Partner of Walter Herz, a consulting company that specializes in providing guidance to tenants, investors and property owners in the commercial real estate sector. With his extensive knowledge, he has been awarded with the title Certified Commercial Investment Member and is a member of the Royal Association of Chartered Surveyors. He is also the founder of the first Tenant Academy in Poland – a series of trainings for tenants.

About the partner

Walter Herz offers comprehensive strategic guidance to lessees, investors, and property owners in the areas of office leasing, investment projects, and hotel designing. What sets Walter Herz apart from the others in the industry is their in-depth analysis of clients’ business requirements and the ability to provide customized support through the entire process.

Walter Herz is the founder of the Tenant Academy, the first project in Poland providing education in the leasing market.

Doing business in Poland

Wish to learn more about the Polish market before the webinar? Our experts have prepared a number of up-to-date publications to get you familiar with taxation, labour law, company formation, transfer pricing and beyond in Poland.

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