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Outsourcing and advisory services in Greece

Accounting | Payroll and HR | Tax | Transactions | Legal | Corporate

Companies across the world are increasingly growing to be more interested in business and investment opportunities in Greece, thanks to the strategic geographical location and many unique advantages of the country. Our goal is to become the partner of choice for companies who are looking for outsourcing and advisory services in Greece, or to establish their company with a reliable partner. By efficiently delivering our all-round-care accounting, payroll, tax and legal advisory services, we aim at shifting the focus of our clients from day-to-day management towards more strategic tasks.

In addition to our comprehensive outsourcing and advisory services in Greece we provide services globally, offering multi-country service delivery for clients interested in international expansion and seamless management of their ongoing operations.

Choose Accace in Greece

We help companies to accelerate their success by providing holistic outsourcing and advisory solutions tailored to the Greek market. With years of experience, our goal is to protect the interests of our clients and ease their bureaucratic burdens.


Marinou Antipa 40 , 570 01, Pilea,
Thessaloniki, Greece

Get in touch with us