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Outsourcing and advisory services in Lithuania

Accounting and reporting | Payroll and HR administration | Tax advisory | Market entry services

Both new business and long-established organisations can benefit from using our outsourcing and advisory services in Lithuania and the Baltics. Let our experts help you design the right business solutions for you to achieve more efficiency and transparency in your business operations. Our goal is to improve quality, accuracy and effectiveness of your accounting, reporting, payroll and HR processes and increase transparency of your operations. With our experienced team of local consultants, we help you stay compliant with your tax and legal obligations as required by local authorities.

In addition to our comprehensive outsourcing and advisory services in Lithuania we provide services globally, offering multi-country service delivery for clients interested in international expansion and seamless management of their ongoing operations.

Choose Accace in Lithuania

Explore business opportunities in Lithuania and across the Baltic region with our full-range market entry and BPO support. We design tailored solutions for your core back office functions such as accounting, reporting, payroll and HR administration, while our expert advisors make sure you stay compliant with all your tax, statutory and regulatory obligations.


M. Valančiaus g. 1A, LT-03155,
Vilnius, Lithuania

Get in touch with us