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Outsourcing and advisory services in North Macedonia

Accounting and reporting | Payroll and HR administration | Tax advisory | Market entry services

Entering new markets abroad is no longer a challenge with the reliable partner by your side.  Our qualified  team of local experts is ready to help you with outsourcing and advisory services in North Macedonia or the entire Balkan region, whether you are just expanding to the new market, or you are already established.

We provide the full range of outsourcing and advisory services in North Macedonia to improve quality, accuracy and effectiveness of your accounting, reporting, payroll and HR processes while increasing your operational transparency. With a strong team or local experts, we help you stay complaint with local legislative requirements and meet  all duties required by local authorities.

In addition to our comprehensive outsourcing and advisory services in North Macedonia we provide services globally, offering multi-country service delivery for clients interested in international expansion and seamless management of their ongoing operations.


Establishing, developing and nurturing a business especially at an international level may require a lot of time and effort due to local bureaucracy and complex yet continuously changing legislative frameworks. We provide all the required market-entry support for your new entity in North Macedonia, starting from go-to-market research, incorporation, corporate and secretarial services perfectly fitting your needs. We will also help you to cover all back office functions, with our specialised accounting, payroll, tax and legal full-service so that you can fully focus on growing business in North Macedonia and across the Balkan region.

Choose Accace in North Macedonia and the Balkan region

Explore business opportunities in North Macedonia and the Balkan region with our full-range market entry and business process outsourcing support. We design custom solutions for your accounting and reporting, payroll agenda and HR administration, while a team of our expert advisors ensure you meet all your tax and regulatory obligations – applying the best experience from the local market.


Get in touch with us