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Case study: Large-scale automated VAT compliance services

Our customer

A global e-commerce corporation was looking for an innovative partner to handle its large-scale VAT compliance services for its clients from over 80 countries. Considering the large number of clients and the need for a cost-efficient solution per each client, an extensively automated solution was required.

17 robots created, enabling minimum fees per client
Over 6,500 VAT returns prepared per month
Single point of contact for clients from more than 80 countries served

Business impact

  • Automated VAT registrations
  • Data revisions provided through our communication portal
  • VAT return preparations and VAT return filings to tax authorities
  • Proper archiving available 24/7
  • Notifications of payment instructions for each client
  • Our solution combined in-house developed robots and other smart tools, and thus delivered completely automated results
  • Substituting the work of over 100 employees compared to traditional VAT preparation, enabling minimum fees per client
  • Sophisticated data-exchange combined with single point of contact
  • Timely and precise delivery of more than 6,500 VAT returns monthly

“Our project with a global e-commerce corporation stands as a shining example of our adaptability, excellence and commitment to delivering top-tier VAT compliance services on a large scale. Tasked with managing the VAT requirements for clients from over 80 countries, we knew that an automated solution was critical to maintain cost-efficiency. Our team rose to the occasion, deploying 17 robots to ensure minimal fees per client. With our technology, we are preparing over 6,500 VAT returns per month and ensure a singular, reliable point of contact for all locations served. This project is a testament to our team’s ability to innovate and adapt to our clients’ needs, no matter how complex or demanding.”

Petr Neškrábal | Head of Advisory at Accace
