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Why employee awareness of GDPR is crucial for data compliance and security | weBlog

September 3, 2024
Accace - Why employee awareness of GDPR is crucial for data compliance and security | weBlog

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is more than just a legal requirement — it’s a vital component of maintaining trust and integrity within a business. But ensuring employees awareness of GDPR principles, as organizations continue to handle increasing amounts of personal data, is not just beneficial but also essential.

Employee awareness of GDPR is critical to preventing data breaches and ensuring compliance with the regulation. To explore this topic further, we’ve interviewed our HR manager Kristína Jánošová, who shares insights into why employee education on GDPR is crucial, how businesses can embed a culture of data privacy, and practical tips for effective GDPR training.

Why is employee awareness of GDPR and training crucial for a company’s compliance efforts?

It’s important to realize that employees handle, process, and store data on certain level basically every day, so their actions can significantly impact a company’s GDPR compliance. For this reason, employee awareness of GDPR and regular training are essential. As we know, human error is a leading cause of data breaches. By educating our colleagues about their responsibilities under GDPR, we can reduce the likelihood of unintentional violations.

What steps can businesses take to foster a culture of data privacy within their workforce?

From my HR perspective, one of the most effective ways to foster a culture of data privacy is to integrate it into the company’s core values. It is a clear message for employees that respecting and protecting personal information is not just a legal requirement, but a fundamental principle of the company.

The second step is not only to declare these values, but also to truly lead by example, set high standards, and regularly check their compliance. At Accace, we have also established a special commission to which employees can turn at any time if they feel there has been some discrepancy or a data breach.

Can you share some practical tips for training employees on data security best practices under GDPR?

Although undergoing GDPR training each year is probably not the most enjoyable activity, in this case, regularity is indeed the key to success. With regular training, we can ensure that all employees are up to date with the latest best practices and changes in GDPR laws.

We have also found it useful to present our colleagues during the onboarding process with specific real-life scenarios they might encounter, not only with other colleagues but also with our clients. This gives them a much more tangible idea of what data protection involves and what needs to be complied with.

I also recommend making employees aware of the potential consequences their actions can have in case of not complying with GDPR rules. It’s important to realize that GDPR is not just about specific departments, but that everyone is responsible for data privacy.

Employee awareness of GDPR and its role in compliance cannot be overstated. By fostering a culture of data privacy and providing regular, practical training, businesses can significantly mitigate the risks associated with data breaches and non-compliance.

GDPR is not just the responsibility of IT departments or legal teams; it is a company-wide obligation that requires every employee to be vigilant and informed. By making GDPR training an integral part of the employee journey—from onboarding through continuous education—companies can ensure that data privacy is upheld as a core value and that their operations remain compliant with data protection regulations.

Kristína Jánošová
HR Manager | Accace
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