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Webinar: Introduction to Transfer Pricing in Egypt | Accace

4:00 pm (GMT +2)


We would like to bring your attention to an event hosted by the Egyptian Junior Business Association in cooperation with Accace and Fathalla Solutions about transfer pricing in Egypt.

Our speaker Peter Pašek, Managing Director & Partner of Accace Slovakia, will present about Transfer pricing fundamentals and elaborate on the following:

  1. Arm’s length principle and its application
  2. Comparability analysis
  3. Transfer pricing and services – Case study: Intra-group services
  4. Transfer pricing and financial transaction – Case study: Intra-group financing


Peter Pašek
Managing Director & Partner | Accace Slovakia

Peter is a certified tax advisor and partner of the Slovak branch of Accace. He specialises in transaction advisory, transfer pricing and international tax planning. Peter is responsible for managing the team of more than 120 experts of Accace in Slovakia.

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