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From measurement to satisfaction – How satisfaction surveys help you keep happy customers | weBlog

July 6, 2023

While the improvement of customer experience, satisfaction and loyalty is considered essential for business development and growth, gathering regular feedback from customers is not always seen as a priority.  Having over 13 years of experience in providing BPO and consultancy services to over 2000 customers coming from different industries and countries, we understand the importance of keeping up with satisfaction of our customers and its regular measuring. Let us share our experience with countless customer surveys, we have executed so far, to walk you through the most important questions to ask yourself when you are still in doubt about what measuring your customers’ satisfaction means to your business.

5 key reasons why customer satisfaction measuring is essential to your business

Customer satisfaction represents the level of clients’ happiness with various aspects of your services or products. It is measured through well-known customer satisfaction surveys, interviews, focus groups or ratings that are a great source of information about what you do well and what might be the weak points of your service delivery. Moreover, measuring clients’ satisfaction brings several other benefits for your business.

Satisfaction measuring helps you identify happy customers and, more importantly, the unhappy ones that might not only leave the company but also spread negative word of mouth. The early detection of dissatisfied customers helps you to respond appropriately to the issues they raise, and thus reduce the customer churn.

The costs for keeping existing customers is lower than the costs for attracting new clients, therefore, it is in every businesses’ interest to regularly track the happiness level of clients and keep it on a high.

Clients that feel they are listened to seem to have higher loyalty and engagement with their service provider, which leads to repeat business or positive recommendation to other potential clients, which again brings more business back to you.

The regularity of satisfaction measurements allows you to track improvements (or deterioration) of your service delivery and monitor your clients’ satisfaction over time. This helps you monitor satisfaction with changes or updates in provided services and gather useful feedback.

Measurements help you to benchmark your performance against your competitors or the industry standard. Moreover, for international companies, it can help to compare your customers’ satisfaction between branches and jurisdictions.

Who should be asked and what is the best timing?

Deciding, who are the customers to include in your satisfaction measurement is an essential part of the process. Not only the client selection plays an important role in the data you may gather but focusing on specific client cohorts yields higher quality and more accurate data.

Surely, one would like to include all clients, however, for larger companies this might represent a substantial investment on the allocation of their resources and subsequent data processing. Therefore, the company might choose to focus on, e.g. percentage of their most profitable clients, specific number of clients per country, client selection per size or industry, or to leave the selection on their key account managers, who work with the clients firsthand.

The frequency and regularity of measurements shall be also well considered to ensure the clients feel listened to yet not overwhelmed with constant enquiring, even well-meant. For the purposes of certification compliance with various quality standards, you may have to measure customer satisfaction annually; however, it is recommended to do it more frequently, while the clients are still engaged and willing to provide good quality feedback, for instance post-purchase, post-implementation of a new service or quarterly. Clients unhappy with your services for a longer time are more likely to reject your approach and not provide any relevant response, or just leave without disclosing the issues to remedy.

How to choose the best method for satisfaction surveys?

Satisfaction can be measured in many ways through qualitative or quantitative methods of data collection. The selection of both or their combination depends on the desired complexity of results and current situation.

  • Qualitative approach is best applied when you seek full, meaningful answers in your clients’ own words, while you are also curious about their impressions, view or opinions. These can be probed by creating focus groups or asking open-ended questions in surveys. Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no” responses and allow the respondents to go in-depth, elaborate on their answers, sometimes even name the issues you might not be aware of or consider asking. Qualitative data are richer; however, they require more time spent on their analysis and proper evidence.
  • Quantitative approach yields data that have numerical form and, thus, enable easy tracking of changes over time and benchmarking. This approach is ideal when you need to draw general conclusions and gain structured results. Very common metric is a Net Promoter Score (NPS) that measures how likely your customers are to recommend you to their associates on a scale of 0 to 10. NPS provides information on the overall satisfaction of your customers and thanks to its popularity, you can easily benchmark your score against your competition or market average. Originally, NPS was based on a singular question, “How likely are you to recommend the company to a friend or colleague?”. However, it allows for a broader use and various questions to track scores of everything from individual service deliveries, projects, or even staff members.

There is no question whether to measure customer satisfaction or not, only how to design the best measuring method for the selected audience of clients. The earlier we start, the better point of reference we have for improving our service delivery and become the provider of choice not only for new clients but also for the existing ones.

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