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Outsourcing and advisory services in Croatia

Accounting and reporting | Payroll and HR administration | Tax advisory | Market entry services

Expanding abroad is no longer a challenge once you have the perfect partner on your side.  Our team of local experts will support you with outsourcing and advisory services in Croatia, whether your firm is entering the Croatian market for the first time or you are already established in the Balkan region. We specialise in full service BPO and advisory to keep your accounting, reporting, payroll and HR operations effective, accurate and compliant with the local regulatory requirements.

In addition to our comprehensive outsourcing and advisory services in Croatia we also provide services globally, offering multi-country service delivery for clients interested in international expansion and seamless management of their ongoing operations.


Our tax experts will manage the potential risks and design optimal business solutions whether you are entering the Croatian market or your brand is already established in the Balkan region. We will support you with professional care and tailored advice, applying the best practices fitting the local market. Our comprehensive tax services cover tax registrations and compliance, filing of tax returns and communication with local authorities, complex transactions support, expat advisory and a lot more.


Establishing and growing a business at the international level requires a heavy commitment of time and effort. We provide all the required market-entry assistance for your new entity in Croatia, ranging from go-to-market research, incorporation, corporate and secretarial services perfectly fitting your needs. So that you can focus on growing your business in Croatia and across the Balkan region, we can also cover all back-office functions, such as providing accounting, payroll, tax and legal full-service.

Choose Accace in Croatia

Using our support for full-range market entry and business process outsourcing enables you to focus on the available business opportunities in Croatia and the Balkan region. We design custom solutions for your accounting and reporting, payroll agenda and HR administration, while our expert advisors ensure compliance with all your tax and regulatory obligations.


Get in touch with us