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ESG reporting in the Czech Republic

Tailored consulting | ESG reports | Business transformation for a sustainable future

ESG reporting in the Czech Republic

Tailored consulting | ESG reports | Business transformation for a sustainable future

Accace s.r.o. | Accace Legal s.r.o.,advokátní kancelář

CITY TOWER, Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic

Accace Outsourcing s.r.o.

1. máje 2673/3, 709 00 Ostrava, Česká republika
Vídeňská 995/63, 639 00 Brno, Česká republika

ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) is a framework that reflects a company’s commitment to sustainability and ethical responsibility. The push towards mandatory ESG reporting in the Czech Republic is a result of both legal mandates and societal expectations, underscoring the significance of transparency and ethics across diverse business sectors. Presently, it is a regulatory requirement for larger corporations and specific industries in certain jurisdictions, reflecting a global trend of focusing on corporate accountability.

For now, ESG reporting is not mandatory for most companies, but voluntary reporting has a number of benefits. Above all, it represents a proactive commitment to sustainable and ethical business operations.

Voluntary ESG reporting in the Czech Republic: A strategic move for your business

Choosing voluntary ESG reporting in the Czech Republic positions your company as a trailblazer in corporate responsibility. Early adoption of ESG practices brings both competitive advantages and strategic benefits, enhancing your company’s reputation and aligning with evolving stakeholder, customer and business partner expectations. It represents a forward-looking approach that contributes to long-term business success and societal well-being.

Benefits of ESG reporting in the Czech Republic

Strengthen relations with stakeholders in the Czech Republic

ESG reporting is becoming more and more important among Czech customers, suppliers, banks, and potential employees, who are increasingly mindful of environmental, social, and administrative aspects of businesses. Notably, it has become quite common for banks to request ESG reports or carbon footprint assessments from clients and suppliers. As more companies prepare these reports, the demand from business partners is expected to rise further. Furthermore, an ESG report consolidates all the relevant information into a single document, facilitating effective communication of sustainability and social responsibility efforts while fostering strong stakeholder relationships.

Gain a competitive advantage in the Czech Republic

ESG reporting means more than just compliance with the regulations; it stands as a pivotal element in establishing a competitive advantage. Nowadays, clients seek business partners who exhibit a clear dedication to sustainability and social responsibility. By presenting an ESG report, you transparently convey your commitment to positively impacting the environment and exceeding minimum requirements.

Make your business future-proof in the Czech Republic

Given the dynamic nature of laws and regulations, ESG obligations are expected to encompass small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the near future. By proactively integrating ESG into your strategic planning, you position your business to adapt seamlessly to emerging requirements and stay ahead of the upcoming trends in non-financial corporate reporting.

STAND out in the crowd with voluntary esg reporting

See how these 9 transformative benefits of voluntary ESG reporting can give your business a competitive advantage.

How can we assist you

Our Czech experts are ready to develop an ESG report for your business aligned with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Our approach centres on crafting clear, concise reports presented in an easy-to-read format that aligns with the visual identity and design of your brand. In addition to ESG reporting in the Czech Republic, our services include supplementary consulting for employee development and environmental conservation strategies. For example, our tool for analysing company vitality and social environment can measure and evaluate employee satisfaction and attitudes toward the company, culture, and colleagues. These insights can be seamlessly integrated into your ESG report to inform employee-related initiatives and activities.

Our service portfolio includes a range of specialized offerings tailored to address your ESG requirements:

  • Expert consultation to define and achieve your ESG objectives.
  • Development of comprehensive ESG reports compliant with CSRD.
  • Analysis of company vitality and social environment, with consultation on employee satisfaction
  • In-depth carbon footprint analysis to enhance your environmental footprint.
  • Guidance and counsel in environmental management.
  • Legal consulting aimed at effective company governance and compliance.

Ready to elevate your business with ESG reporting in the Czech Republic? Reach out to us today to explore how we can help you build a sustainable and responsible future.


Accace s.r.o. | Accace Legal s.r.o.,advokátní kancelář

CITY TOWER, Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic

Accace Outsourcing s.r.o.

1. máje 2673/3, 709 00 Ostrava, Česká republika
Vídeňská 995/63, 639 00 Brno, Česká republika
