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Corporate and secretarial services in Finland

Corporate and secretarial services in Finland

Choose Accace in Finland

In Finland, our team consists of skilled business consultants with extensive experience across various industries. Our goal is to assist new companies by providing a comprehensive range of corporate and secretarial services in Finland, including market research, customized incorporation, and essential administrative support for business initiation. Additionally, we provide a full package of services, including payroll outsourcing, accounting, tax and consultancy services.

Go-to-market services in Finland

Take advantage of the knowledge of our experienced team of local consultants specialising in legal and corporate services in Finland to boost the expansion of your business. Our go-to-market, corporate and secretarial services in Finland include:

  • Evaluation of costs associated with starting a business
  • Consultancy in market research, defining solutions, and risk analysis
  • Establishment and registration of companies in Finland
  • Assistance in locating suitable business partners in Finland
  • Advice on local compliance risk exposure and legal frameworks
  • Operational structure consultancy
  • Services in corporate administration for companies that are new to the Finnish market
  • Identification and analysis of potential incentives and statutory frameworks

Incorporation, corporate and secretarial services in Finland

Establishing and maintaining a business, especially on the international level, frequently requires significant time and effort due to the continuously evolving complex legislative frameworks and local bureaucracy. We provide extensive assistance from the incorporation of your business, including corporate and secretarial services in Finland, throughout its entire lifecycle, allowing you to focus on business growth and opportunities.

Company establishment in Finland

  • Work and residency permits
  • Arrangement of required licences
  • Setting up entities in Finland
  • Tax registrations in Finland

Expert corporate and secretarial services in Finland – and across the globe

Operating in over 60 locations, we provide seamless corporate and secretarial services in Finland and also globally. Having experience with business consultancy across various industries, our experts bridge the gap between company needs and optimal solutions, fostering business growth and success. With years of experience helping clients from SMEs to complex global corporations, we ensure thorough compliance and deep market understanding. Reach out to discover how our global corporate and secretarial services can support your business!

Choose Accace in Finland