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Outsourcing and advisory services in Romania

Accounting and reporting | Payroll and HR | Tax | Transactions | Legal | Corporate

Entering a new market is no longer a challenge with a reliable partner by your side! Whether you are just about to expand or you are already established on the Romanian market, our experts can help you with outsourcing and advisory services in Romania.

Our goal is to deliver the full range of outsourcing and advisory services in Romania online, to improve quality, accuracy and effectiveness of your accounting, reporting, payroll and HR processes while increasing your operational transparency. With a strong team of tax and legal consultants, we help you staying compliant and meeting all your duties and obligations as required by local authorities.

In addition to our comprehensive outsourcing and advisory services in Romania we provide services globally, offering multi-country service delivery for clients interested in international expansion and seamless management of their ongoing operations.

Choose Accace in Romania

Accace Romania was founded in Bucharest in 2007. Understanding the needs of our clients to have all internal processes managed under one umbrella, we have developed into a proactive consultancy and outsourcing partner who bridges the gap between needs and solutions, by combining smart and streamlined technology with a holistic approach. Today, we offer accounting, reporting, payroll, HR administration services, tax and corporate advisory and legal consultancy through an affiliated law firm.
At international level, we are engaging over 800 specialists who have vast experience in handling small to large scale multi-country BPO projects for approximately 2,000 clients from various industries.
Visit our local website:


Accace Outsourcing SRL
Accace Accounting SRL
Accace SRL

145 Calea Victoriei, 1st floor, 1st District, 010072, Bucharest, Romania

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