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Regulatory compliance and advisory services in South Africa

Regulatory compliance and advisory services in South Africa

Choose Accace in South Africa

Boundary Terraces, 1 Mariendahl Avenue, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa

Our team will keep you up-to-date and comply with relevant local rules and regulations with our regulatory compliance and advisory services in South Africa. In addition, our advisory services can be a unique competitive benefit in allowing you to maximise the attractiveness of B-BBEE, as well as improve your profit margins through government subsidies and tax savings.

Our Regulatory compliance and advisory services in South Africa includes the following services:

  • Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) compliance, scorecard aggregation and advisory
  • State reimbursive grants
  • POPIA / GDPR compliance
  • Compliance officer services
  • Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) annual training report and learnership registrations
  • Department of Labour employee equity reporting
  • Financial and sector specific regulation compliance (such as FSCA – Financial Sector Conduct Authority or FAS – Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services)

Market entry support for South Africa: Book your free 1-hour expert call now

We have years of experience in supporting businesses to grow in South Africa. If you are a well-established company we offer you a free consultancy, that includes:

  • Brief analysis of your needs based on the information provided
  • Discussion with an expert on the various aspects of the investment,
  • Country-specific aspects that may be important to your investment
  • Company establishment consultancy from legal perspective for well-established businesses or individuals
Michelle Martin
Managing Director | Accace South Africa
Book a meeting with Michelle
Choose Accace in South Africa

Boundary Terraces, 1 Mariendahl Avenue, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa
