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Tax advisory and tax compliance services in South Africa

Tax advisory and tax compliance services in South Africa

Choose Accace in South Africa

Boundary Terraces, 1 Mariendahl Avenue, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa

Working with our team of experts who provide excellent tax advisory and tax compliance services in South Africa and have a deep understanding of local legislation and best practices will enable you to manage risks and make well-informed business decisions. Whether you want to expand to a new market or add value to your current business operations, we are here to provide you with consulting support and provide the solutions your business needs.

We provide tax advisory and tax compliance services in South Africa for corporations, trusts and individuals. Our team of experts will also advise you on the tax rules relating to double taxation agreements and permanent establishment for foreign entities.

Tax registration in South Africa

  • Ensuring the registration process with local authorities
  • Assistance with any inquiries from tax office and dispute resolution
  • Registration for Income Tax, VAT and Payroll (PAYE) and other taxes

Tax compliance and filings in South Africa

  • VAT filings (VAT 201)
  • Capital gains tax
  • Preparation of statutory tax returns and their submission
  • PAYE filings (EMP201, EMP501, IRP3 and IRP5)
  • Dividend Withholding Tax (DWT) and Secondary Tax on Companies (STC)
  • Custom, excise and royalty taxes
  • Annual tax filings and IT14SD reconciliations
  • Foreign establishment, double-taxation treaties and non-resident compliance
  • Processing of tax liability payments to local authorities
  • Social security compliance: Unemployment Insurance (UIF) and Skills Development Levies (SDL)
  • Tax Practitioner representation in communications with tax offices and local authorities
  • Tax Practitioner guidance and support for internal and external tax audits

Personal income tax in South Africa

Our team of experienced tax specialists is ready to provide you with consulting support when dealing with tax, social security or foreign representation matters.

  • Individual planning and definition of suitable payroll and tax schemes for both residents and non-residents
  • Filing of other statutory reporting for social security, health insurance and other
  • Filing of personal income tax returns and compliance in South Africa
  • Full-range non-resident and global mobility services
  • Representation in communication with tax offices, social security and health insurance companies, and other authorities

Expat tax and global mobility services in South Africa

Our in-house team of experts will guide you through the challenges of cross-border employee mobility and expatriate compliance. We have an in-depth knowledge of local and international legislation in the areas of individual taxation, social security, payroll, labour law, as well as best practices in foreign employment.

We will analyse the company´s expatriate tax program to make sure it is fully compliant with statutory requirements for individual tax, social security and local payroll reporting.

Our tax advisory and tax compliance services in South Africa also cover the following international assignment compliance issues:

  • Creation of the tax efficient non-resident employment structures
  • Payroll calculation and HR administration services for expatriates
  • Preparation and filing of non-resident’s tax returns in South Africa
  • Evaluation of the non-resident’s home and foreign country tax filing requirements
  • Social security and health insurance statutory requirements applicable to expatriates
  • Representation in communication with the tax office and other authorities
  • Potential implications related to permanent establishment and reporting obligations
  • Other administrative services, such as obtaining of work and residence permits, dealing with local authorities and offices for foreigners

Expert tax advisory and tax compliance services in South Africa – and across the globe

With a presence in over 60 locations, we provide seamless tax advisory and tax compliance services in South Africa and globally. Our empathetic experts bridge the gap between company needs and optimal solutions, offering advisory that fosters business growth and prosperity. Leveraging advanced technology and extensive expertise, our local teams ensure comprehensive compliance and a deep understanding of market specifics. We guarantee precision and efficiency tailored to regional needs. Contact us today to explore how we can support your international tax advisory and compliance needs.

Market entry support for South Africa: Book your free 1-hour expert call now

We have years of experience in supporting businesses to grow in South Africa. If you are a well-established company we offer you a free consultancy, that includes:

  • Brief analysis of your needs based on the information provided
  • Discussion with an expert on the various aspects of the investment,
  • Country-specific aspects that may be important to your investment
  • Company establishment consultancy from legal perspective for well-established businesses or individuals
Michelle Martin
Managing Director | Accace South Africa
Book a meeting with Michelle
Choose Accace in South Africa

Boundary Terraces, 1 Mariendahl Avenue, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa
