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Tax advisory and tax compliance services in Spain

Tax advisory and tax compliance services in Spain

Choose Accace in Spain

Paseo de la Castellana, 230, 28046 Madrid, Spain

Stay fully compliant with the statutory requirements and fulfil all your tax and reporting obligations with our tax advisory and tax compliance services in Spain and the help of our local experts. Take advantage of our extensive knowledge and best practices that fit the regulatory framework in Spain and eliminate your tax-related risks.

Our tax advisory and tax compliance services in Spain provide an all-round care for the design and implementation of tax optimization schemes, corporate income tax (CIT), value added tax (VAT), personal income tax (PIT) and social security, local taxes, excise taxes, withholding taxes, and custom duties.

Tax registrations in Spain

  • Simple registration process with Spanish authorities
  • Registration for CIT, VAT and VAT refunds, including other taxes in Spain
  • Assistance with various inquiries from the tax offices in Spain and dispute resolution

Tax compliance and filings in Spain

  • Representation in communication with the tax offices and local authorities in Spain
  • Preparation and submission of statutory tax returns to the Income Tax Office in Spain
  • Processing of tax liability payments to Spanish authorities
  • Additional consultancies related to CIT, VAT, local taxes, withholding taxes, excise taxes and custom duties applicable in Spain
  • Guidance and support by internal and external tax audits

Tax and transactions advisory in Spain

  • International tax advisory
  • PIT, global mobility and non-resident services
  • Transactions, transfer pricing services and local representation
  • M&A tax and legal structuring
  • Due diligence: tax, financial and legal
  • Professional trainings on accounting, tax, and finance-related matters

Personal income tax in Spain

Our experienced tax professionals are ready to consult and advise you on complex tax, social security and health insurance matters, while ensuring you stay compliant in the agenda of personal income tax.

  • Individual planning, defining of suitable payroll and tax schemes for both residents and non-residents in Spain
  • Filing of PIT returns and other statutory reporting obligations for social security and health insurance or other in Spain
  • Representation in communication with the Spanish tax offices, social security and health insurance institutions, and other authorities
  • Full-scope global mobility services for expats in Spain

Non-resident and global mobility services in Spain

Let our experienced tax professionals navigate you through the complex agenda of cross-border mobility in Spain. Backed up by a strong international network, you can rely on our deep knowledge of local and international legislation to ensure your full compliance with labour law, individual taxation, payroll and social security obligations.

Our tax advisory and tax compliance services in Spain also cover various issues related to cross-border employment, such as:

  • Creating tax-efficient employment structures for expatriates
  • Preparation and filing of tax returns for non-residents in Spain
  • Representation in communication with the tax offices and other authorities
  • Evaluating the tax filing requirements of the resident country and the foreign country
  • Statutory social security and health insurance requirements applicable to expats
  • Payroll and HR administration services for expatriates in Spain
  • Reporting obligations and implications of a permanent establishment in Spain
  • Other administrative services: obtaining work and residence permits, dealing with the local authorities and offices for foreigners in Spain

Expert tax advisory and tax compliance services in Spain – and across the globe

With a presence in over 60 locations, we provide seamless tax advisory and tax compliance services in Spain and globally. Our empathetic experts bridge the gap between company needs and optimal solutions, offering advisory that fosters business growth and prosperity. Leveraging advanced technology and extensive expertise, our local teams ensure comprehensive compliance and a deep understanding of market specifics. We guarantee precision and efficiency tailored to regional needs. Contact us today to explore how we can support your international tax advisory and compliance needs.

Choose Accace in Spain

Paseo de la Castellana, 230, 28046 Madrid, Spain
