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Market entry support

Exploring the unknown by entering a new country or market should be an exciting journey to embark on – unless you experience unwanted surprises and get stuck at the very beginning. The unexpected workload can be connected to confusing legislation frameworks, complicated incorporation process, overwhelming bureaucracy, paperwork, lack of response and lengthy communication with the local statutory authorities or any kind of limitations you may encounter.

Having years of experience in supporting our customers to grow their business internationally, we can provide a full-range market entry support when entering new markets and help with navigating the country specific statutory requirements – starting from a smooth incorporation process.

Talk to our experts for free

By offering our free market entry support consulting packages we aim to encourage well-established companies to explore the unknown and refine their go-to-market strategy in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine.

Our free business consulting package includes up to 1 hour discussion with an expert of your choice, who will help you address the relevant aspects of expanding your business activities to the country of your interest.

See what you can expect:

  • We will run a brief analysis of your needs based on the information you provide, before talking to you.
  • We will talk you through the various country-specific aspects of the investment.
  • We will help you understand the complexities of local tax and legal frameworks.

Order our services online in the most convenient way

Experience the most convenient and transparent way of ordering consulting services online. Avoid surprises regarding prices and lengthy discussions about what is included. Choose from a variety of consulting packages – free or paid – with details on pricing and the scope of service.

Online calendar: Book our experts right away

Select the country of your interest, pick an expert from the list with required expertise, check their calendar online and book the day you prefer.

Our free business consulting package includes up to 1 hour discussion with an expert of your choice, who will help you address the relevant aspects of expanding your business activities to the country of your interest.

  1. Select the country of your interest
  2. Select a consultant and check their calendar
  3. Add to cart and go to checkout for payment
  4. You are done – the meeting is all set up