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Measuring company vitality and social environment

Help your company culture flourish with SocioRating

Measuring company vitality and social environment

Help your company culture flourish with SocioRating

Employees are the core of all companies, and their well-being is just as important as any other aspect of the business. We are ready to help measuring the company vitality and social environment of your organisation, using a standardized methodology. Our online tool allows you to get a detailed analysis of all key areas that affect employee engagement, performance, innovations, sustainability and impact on society. Find out how much your employees identify with your company, how satisfied they are and how they evaluate the leadership style, organisation of work, company culture, values, evaluations, communication and beyond. Our solution can quickly and effectively identify potential deficits in specific areas, allowing you to build a healthy company culture and employer branding strategy based on trust, responsibility, innovation, and overall satisfaction.

Make way for innovations by creating the environment for new ideas and self-realisation

Reduce personnel fluctuation and attract the best talents on the market for good

Increase business growth by motivating employees through a satisfying social environment

Deep-dive into your company vitality and social environment, fully online

The measuring of company vitality and social environment is done through an online questionnaire and the results are available immediately after the data is collected. The methodology enables benchmarking regardless of size and industry, and thus sets an international standard for measuring social conditions within companies. It helps predicting the long-term value and quality of sustainability of companies, and serves as a relevant indicator for investors, financial institutions, suppliers, clients as well as potential employees. Moreover, it provides a basis of comparison for your company’s development over time.

How to get started with measuring the vitality of your business

Get in touch with us and we will walk you through all the necessary steps:

  • plan the details of the data collection
  • collect the data from your employees through an online questionnaire
  • prepare a transparent and digital report on the results
  • issue an electronic certificate

If you are interested, we are ready to assist you also with data interpretation and recommend a consultant to improve critical areas.
