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Time and attendance online portal

Absences management I Shift planning I Reporting

Time and attendance online portal

Absences management I Shift planning I Reporting

Keep track of your working time fully online

Is the tracking of time and attendance a drain on your internal resources? Are employees still circulating .xls sheets around the office? Maybe your company has a robust yet legacy HR solution that is costly to maintain and difficult to update? If yes is the answer to any of these questions, what you are currently using for T&A management is definitely not fitting your needs.

We offer you a flexible online T&A tracking tool – fully compliant with local legislation requirements related to time worked, overtime, vacation, paid leave or GDPR. Our time and attendance online portal has no boundaries in terms of user-customizations and can be utilized to exactly what you and your workforce require.

Encounter no limits

No need to install any additional software: access the portal anytime and from any device

Ensure compliance

Rely on full compliance with legislation requirements: easy roll-out for companies of any kind

Use only what you need

Boundless user customizations: personalize the interface and workflows to your exact needs

All tasks managed via a customized self-service interface

Your employees can manage their T&A online – on their own – via a user-friendly self-service interface: to keep track of their worked time, overtime, vacation taken or remaining, request for time off, sick leave and then quickly approve it with their managers. Even individual or team’s shifts planning can be made via the portal’s interactive calendars.

Your HR teams will appreciate the fact that all information related to workforce time and attendance is exchanged via an accessible online tool, 24/7, and secured by top-notch data protection technology. T&A data can be accessed in real-time, HR tasks can easily be managed without delays and myriad reports can be viewed when and where from any location.

The main areas covered by our time and attendance online portal:

  • Absences management: request and approval workflows
  • Shift planning: interactive calendars, time sheets, vacation planning
  • Overtime management
  • All reporting related to time and attendance

See how a French luxury fashion house utilizes our special attendance module built for retail chains to allow their employees conveniently record their attendace online.

Time and attendance online portal adapted and utilized to your benefit

Companies of all kinds can benefit from the portal’s following common features:

  • Unlimited access to the time and attendance online portal from any device, anytime, 24/7
  • User-friendly interface that can be fully customized
  • No ID card terminals or biometrics tracking
  • No software installation needed
  • Solution that is fully customizable to fit your exact needs
  • Complete elimination of paper work related to T&A tracking and reporting
  • Direct interface to the payroll system for an error-free T&A data exchange

The time and attendance online portal can also be utilized as an effective, common platform for unifying T&A tracking, processing and reporting across multiple countries.
