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The importance of employee well-being and how it helps your business to grow | weBlog

November 15, 2022
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With all the events that have taken place over the past years, not only our physical health may have has suffered, but also our mental health. Starting with the transition from working in an office to working at home, the inability to see close friends, or even go outside – we continue to bear the consequences of these events, and this affects both our daily lives and our work.

According to many experts, it is very significant to support not only physical but also mental health. Research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) states that the latest official data shows that in the years 2019 and 2020, 32.5 million working days were lost due to work-related ill health, of which nearly 18 million were due to stress, anxiety, and depression. Our reactions to stress, level of efficiency, and productivity at work can be tracked by the state of our well-being. On one hand, when well-being is reached, we feel a sense of accomplishment, solve problems faster, cope with problems more easily, set goals and achieve them. And on the other, when we achieve burnout or have psychological problems, it affects our quality of life and, in particular, our ability to work. Thus, the efficiency of work can decrease and in doing so, it can affect the company’s performance. So, a new and important stage in the development of caring for its people in the corporate sector is the awareness not only for the sake of benefits but also a comprehensive approach to caring for the employees’ well-being.

Luckily, caring for mental health in an organization is becoming the new standard for work life. The days when overwork, no personal life and labour exploitation were accepted as ‘normal’ are long gone, as these directly account for a degradation of employee well-being and companies are now prioritising a much healthier balance. In this article, we have gathered information on how this transforms the whole business beyond the obvious.

Higher performance levels

When a company cares about the well-being of its employees, they feel more connected, their physical health improves, and therefore their well-being improves. This also includes employee recognition and feedback on work performed. One of Harvard’s research projects suggests that an increase in well-being gives, on average, an increase in productivity of about 10%. Another study from Oxford showed that happy workers are 13% more effective. These aspects contribute to a higher level of employee engagement; therefore, the work will be done more efficiently. And ultimately, it increases the results and profitability of the company.

Client contentment

Companies that pay attention to employee well-being achieve better results, increase customer loyalty and are more likely to achieve repurchases of their services. Personal problems affect the way we communicate with others, so if this can be a reason for an employee to mishandle a customer, it very much interferes with the customer experience.

Researchers at Harvard have concluded that customer satisfaction and loyalty are a direct result of employee satisfaction and employee productivity. They came up with the so-called ‘service-profit chain’ where it is shown that profit and growth are stimulated primarily by customer loyalty which can be obtained from customer satisfaction. Satisfaction depends on the value and quality of the services the company provides, and the value is created by satisfied, loyal, and productive employees.

Improved employer branding and low staff turnover

When a company cares about the well-being of its employees, respects, and maintains a work-life balance, and broadcasts it in the marketplace, there is a better chance of attracting qualified candidates and retaining current employees for a longer term.


A 2021 study by the Center for Mental Health UK found that mental health problems at work cost the UK economy GBP 34.9 billion last year – that means GBP 1,300 per worker. The studies from the same organizations show that GBP 10.6 billion was lost due to sickness absence and GBP 21.2 billion because of reduced productivity at work. Therefore, ensuring the welfare of employees will help companies reduce the revenue loss and the personal expenses of employees, who are absent due to well-being-related issues.

How Accace aces with employee well-being

At Accace, we believe that a healthy company culture brings success to businesses and society. Looking at companies through relationships and culture provides incentives to develop not only humanly, but also economically. We truly believe that people are the foundation of everything. In establishments that also hold these values, every idea is welcomed, and mistakes are perceived as a basis for growth, thus making every employee feel needed and valued.

Over the past years we have developed multiple projects, tools and products that help not only our clients’, but also our very own employees. With these innovations our ultimate goal is to contribute to a better work-life balance and maximize the quality of working place and conditions we provide.

Accace For People

Accace For People is a special service line that focuses on making your team stronger and grow your business through soft skills, personal development programs and discussions regarding company culture. The current service portfolio consists mainly of:

  • Open Book Management: It is based on trust and openness, through which it helps employees to understand the company as a whole. OBM allows the company to engage employees who understand what makes a business run and how profits are made.
  • Corporate trainings: These programs provide a solution for companies that want to have motivated, competent, and loyal employees. The goal of the training concept is to set the basic foundations for the development of the entire company and its employees so that their training is in line with the company’s strategy, goals and reflects their real needs. The trainings benefit both the company and the employees.


SocioRating is a tool for a methodology that sets an international standard for measuring social conditions in companies. It is based on comparative analysis regardless of company size or industry. This tool effectively identifies gaps and helps to builds a healthy culture based on trust, responsibility, innovation, and overall satisfaction.

Accace participated in the SocioRating methodology, and the results proved that our colleagues consider us to be a responsible company that not only cares about its employees but is also very attentive to the environment and surrounding communities.


The Optiomat tool is used by companies whose founders decided to increase the involvement of their colleagues by allocating to them a part of the capital. This tool makes it possible to run the process from creating an option plan for founders, inviting their peers, and verifying their identities to digitally signing documents within 20 minutes. This saves time and costs for consulting services on the companies’ side. The involvement of employees gives a sense of belonging and accountability for the performance of the business. The result of such level of involvement is that they become more reliable, take more responsibility for their work, and achieve better results. Therefore, the quality of their work naturally increases.

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