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Back office services

Back office services

Manage the capacity and occupancy of your office or parking spaces – effectively and without any administrative burden. Our new back office services simplify and clarify how your shared premises are managed, with a handy web application available anytime from any smart device.

Shared office and parking management through our online reservation system

In the recent years, most offices have already switched to a hybrid work model. We wanted to create a simple solution that allows not only us, but also our clients to efficiently and instantly sort out shared desks and parking spaces. We developed an online reservation system with a self-service feature and easy set-up that adapts to any requirements – regardless of the different needs of start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprise, large companies or global corporates.

Our online reservation system works in 4 easy steps:

Log into the web application from desktop, mobile or another smart device

Create basic spaceplan using own graphics and design of your company

Select a free desk in the available offices or a parking space

Select the date, time and location of your reservation and confirm

Decrease the administrative burden on your HR department with our back office services

Free the capacity of your HR department from offline administrative back-to-backs regarding shared premises. They will appreciate gaining more time for more important tasks:

  • Get rid of additional administration and communication regarding office reservations and shared parking
  • Rocket-launch your transition to a hybrid work model with our back office services
  • Get access to an overview and reporting on occupancy and capacity of office and parking spaces
  • Save costs for possible office space renovations or moving to increase capacity or parking space rentals

Give your teams the freedom and flexibility they deserve

Your employees will benefit from:

  • A modern and practical reservation system thanks to our back office services
  • An overview of the availability of other colleagues in the office, on a specific date and time
  • A simple way to meet with the whole team, in one place and at the same time
  • A user-friendly technology that allows booking their workspace or parking in just 3 steps and instantly