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Tax retainer & ad-hoc advisory

Tax retainer & ad-hoc advisory

Considering the complexity and dynamics of the local fiscal areas, our experts are ready to offer their support and act as your in-house tax advisors whenever you have a question related to your direct and indirect taxes, or if you need to understand how certain taxes occur and how this may impact your future decisions.

Moreover, if your company’s complex operations require thorough attention on a regular basis, we may offer you a custom tax retainer package that will allow you to benefit from a preferential fixed price under a certain amount of consultancy hours per month agreed in advance with you.

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We have years of experience in supporting businesses to grow internationally. If you are a well-established company willing to expand to Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia or Ukraine we offer you free consultancy, that may include:

  • Brief analysis of your needs based on the information provided
  • Country-specific aspects that may be important to your investment
  • Basics of legal, tax and accounting rules applicable for you

Our team can provide ad-hoc advisory or assistance under a tax retainer package, in the following areas:

  • Direct taxes (including corporate tax and withholding taxes)
  • Indirect taxes (such as VAT and excises)
  • Local taxes (preparing the tax returns and optimization of tax position)
  • Related regulatory matters
  • Advice on day-to-day matters as well as on specific transactions
  • Assistance with the tax authorities’ enquiries and dispute resolution