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Cancellation of the Commercial Code of Ukraine: What does it mean for businesses? | News Flash

March 17, 2025
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The Law of Ukraine ‘On Specifics of Regulation of Activities of Legal Entities of Certain Organisational and Legal Forms in the Transition Period and Associations of Legal Entities’ (No. 4196-IX of February 26, 2025) abolishes the Commercial Code and introduces amendments to the Civil Code. Below, we review all legislative updates and the impact of the cancellation of the Commercial Code of Ukraine on the business environment.           

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Transition period – 3 years for adaptation

The law comes into force on August 28, 2025. Municipal enterprises and territorial communities will have three years to adapt.

During this time, all state-owned and municipal enterprises will have to change their legal form to a joint-stock company (JSC) or a limited liability company (LLC).

The same applies to private and foreign enterprises, which means that existing businesses will need to re-register.

Impact of the cancellation of the Commercial Code of Ukraine on businesses

All legal aspects of businesses will be regulated only by the Civil Code and special laws. This eliminates possible conflicts in legislation, thus reducing legal uncertainty. What does this mean? Businesses need to adapt all internal processes and documentation in accordance with the new legal requirements.

Certain legal forms are prohibited

It is no longer possible to establish new legal entities in the following forms:

  • state-owned enterprises (commercial and non-commercial)
  • municipal enterprises
  • joint communal enterprises
  • private enterprises
  • foreign enterprises
  • enterprises of public associations, religious organisations, trade unions
  • consumer co-operative enterprises

Since the establishment and operation of private enterprises and foreign enterprises will not be possible, this will significantly affect the process of new company formation in Ukraine.

Transparency is the key to success

Transparent asset management

The sale and management of assets of enterprises where the state owns more than 50% of the shares will be carried out through the Prozorro.Sale system, which will ensure better oversight of the processes and minimise corruption risks. Thus, businesses will have more open access to state assets.

Financial reporting

State-owned enterprises will have an obligation to publish financial reports, which will promote management transparency and improve control in the public sector. However, the new reporting requirements may become a significant challenge for enterprises, as they will require additional resources for accounting and auditing.

How can an outsourcing and consulting partner help?

  • Provide legal, accounting and consulting services
  • Help with company registration and change of legal form
  • Set up or optimise accounting and financial reporting
  • Optimize HR administration – reduce the workload of the company’s HR departments during the process of changing the structure of enterprises
  • Help adapt internal processes of enterprises with the assistance of integrated systems and technological solutions
  • Provide effective tools for paperwork management.

New legislative updates bring fundamental changes to everyone – both existing companies and those planning market entry in Ukraine. Changes in legislation require businesses to react quickly. Our experts will help you adapt and ensure business continuity in line with the new requirements.

Hanna Popiuk
Corporate Law Consultant | Accace Ukraine
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