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Digitisation of employment records in Ukraine: What employers and employees need to know | News Flash

March 17, 2025
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An electronic employment record book is a digital analogue of a paper employment record book. The purpose behind its implementation is to improve the process of employment record management, reduce paperwork, and the risks associated with it, such as loss or damage to documents. According to the Law of Ukraine ‘On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Employee Labour Records in Electronic Form’ (No. 1217-IX of 05.02.2021), the transition of employment records to the new format should take place by June 10, 2026.           

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Format of employment record books after June 10, 2026

The final version of the electronic employment record book will be generated after the data is verified by the Pension Fund of Ukraine and entered into the Register of Insured Persons of the State Register of Compulsory State Social Insurance.

After that, the paper version of the employment record book will no longer be needed. The electronic employment record book is available in the personal account on the Pension Fund of Ukraine’s Electronic Services Portal. To access it, you need a qualified electronic signature or Bank ID.

What data will the electronic version contain?

The electronic employment record book currently contains data on the main place of work since 2004. If your labour activity started earlier, you need to add this information by providing scanned copies of documents.

The portal has been calculating the pensionable service since January 1, 2004, due to the adoption of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Compulsory State Pension Insurance No. 1058-IV of 09.07.2003, which introduced the concept of ‘pensionable service’ (previously known as the labour service).

The service carried out before January 1, 2004 can be added based on the information in the paper version of the employment record book as well as other documents.

Both employers and employees can upload their employment history information in their personal accounts on the portal.

The process of digitising employment records for employers

To successfully upload data to the electronic employment record book, it is necessary to provide scanned copies of all pages of the book and other relevant documents which confirm the length of service.

These copies must be submitted in chronological order and meet certain requirements.

For the correct calculation of the length of service, it is important to upload all documents that may affect the calculation. For example, documents on education, child’s birth certificate (for women), military ID card and other documents. Upon receipt of the scanned copies, the specialists of the Pension Fund’s territorial offices will check them against the data in the Register of Insured Persons and digitise the missing information.

Before submitting the employment record book for digitisation, make sure it is filled out correctly and that all the required entries are in the ‘Work information’ section.

The process of digitising employment records for employees

Employees can also upload data. This can be done in the personal account on the portal using a qualified electronic signature.

We can help you! Our experience, knowledge of local legislation and platforms will help you save time and resources, as well as avoid potential mistakes and difficulties.

Aliya Evstifeeva
HR Specialist | Accace Ukraine
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