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HR Outsourcing: The future of efficient business process management | weBlog

November 29, 2021
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More than ever before, if companies want to maintain their stable position on the current market, their management requires a greater dose of flexibility and innovative processes. The demand for more resilience can be seen across most departments in companies – and HR is not an exception.

Both local and international companies – either opening new branches, entering the market, expanding their production or exploring new business opportunities – encounter difficulties not only with finding and recruiting candidates, but they are also burdened by the personnel agenda and the associated administration. In recent years, it has proven to be no longer profitable for most companies to employ their own HR employee. Therefore, they opt for external support and more efficient opportunities, such as outsourcing.

HR outsourcing and its 4 main benefits

HR outsourcing services enable the transfer of certain human resources processes to an external provider, who can fully cover the client’s complex HR agenda. Nonetheless, it offers also other valuable benefits to companies.

Financial relief not only for the HR department

Undoubtedly, one of the greatest benefits, especially for smaller companies, are financial savings. Companies can cut costs not only on the employee’s payroll, but also on their equipment, such as a laptop or mobile phone, or HRM software used, which needs to fulfil certain security standards. The savings on operating costs and rent will also have a positive effect, as the company does not need to set up an office for their HR department. Additional cost savings are related to the training of employees, which in this case is covered by the outsourcing service provider.

Extensive expertise in multiple areas

Outsourcing providers engage multiple local and international teams of experts, therefore they have access to an extensive knowledge in the field of HR administration, labour law, payroll administration and other related areas. Thanks to outsourcing, the client will acquire not only one HR specialist, but a whole team of HR and payroll experts, who are ready to solve any challenging or ad-hoc agenda, even through a hotline support.

Easy management of employee agenda

Another advantage is the takeover of responsibility by the HR outsourcing vendor for all HR administrative matters concerning employees: their registration and deregistration to and from local authorities, insurance companies, the administration associated with health and safety trainings and medical examinations, preparation, update and signing of employment contracts. All being one under the highest privacy compliance regulations and data security. In certain scenarios, the HR outsourcing includes the onboarding process itself, as well as support in more sensitive matters, such as the termination of employment.

Full compliance with legislative changes, anywhere and anytime

Another significant benefit of HR outsourcing is the liberation from lengthy and time-consuming activities related to the up-to-date legislation. Monitoring, studying amendments and regulations, translating them into comprehensive language and helping with their application in practice is managed by the vendor. Therefore, the client company does not need to study the latest legislation and complex local or international legal frameworks or labour codes. HR outsourcing ensures full compliance at all times, across all locations where contracted, no matter the frequency of new obligations.

Entrust your HR agenda to us – benefit from our HR outsourcing services

Complex management of HR agenda

Take advantage of our labour law advisory along with the execution of specialized tasks, for instance when employing foreigners or submitting information cards that are a vital agenda of recruiting and employing of foreigners. We can cover the comprehensive administration for domestic and foreign business travels, starting with travel orders, billing of expenses to the preparation of PD A1 forms necessary for travel.

Cloud-based HR solutions

Become completely paper-free with our help and get access to a cloud-based archive of electronic documents. Transfer personal files and attendance records online with 24/7 access from any location or device. Forget about paper requests for annual leave – our online time and attendance portal allows you to approve these requests from your mobile through.

Custom service offering

Take only what you need thanks to the possibility of tailor-made solutions and custom service packages based on your requirements. We can take care either of the whole agenda or only a part of it, such as setting up internal guidelines or a training program for your employees.

When to choose HR outsourcing for your company?

In case of internal costs reduction

In the absence or limited capacity of the HR department

For new projects, where a temporary HR workforce is required

When terminating or downsizing the company’s activities

When constant compliance is needed with the ever-changing local legislation

When your priority is to focus on your business without having to deal with personnel administration

The HR agenda is getting more complex by every change in the economy, society or technological advancements. HR specialists must be able to pay attention to a great number of details, control the processes, work with the latest legislation and constantly implement innovations or the latest technology to keep pace with the industry. By outsourcing, you gain a more effective management of crucial processes and allow your company to shift the focus from internal administrative matters to the growth of your business.

Petra Podstavek
HR Outsourcing Specialist | Accace Slovakia
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