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VAT services in the Czech Republic

VAT services in the Czech Republic


Accace s.r.o. | Accace Legal s.r.o.,advokátní kancelář

CITY TOWER, Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic

Accace Outsourcing s.r.o.

1. máje 2673/3, 709 00 Ostrava, Česká republika
Vídeňská 995/63, 639 00 Brno, Česká republika

Why to rely on a trusted partner when it comes to VAT services in the Czech Republic? VAT systems and VAT rates are different in each EU member state and they significantly impact businesses. The Czech Republic is no exception, yet many companies ignore the complexity of VAT and its potential effect on entrepreneurship. Quite often, they come across VAT issues after the transaction are set or running. Therefore, it is important to track and manage your VAT expenses and ensure that your company complies with all Czech VAT laws and mitigates its potential tax risks. Both when trading internationally and domestically.

Our experienced team providing VAT services in the Czech Republic will always be on hand to help you streamline not only your day-to-day tax matters, but also more complex business transactions. We are ready to guide you through the complex administrative pitfalls of the Czech VAT and assist you with a full-range support to keep you compliant.

VAT registration services in the Czech Republic

VAT registration in the Czech Republic is possible only in electronic form, either using a data box or a verified electronic signature. We are ready to provide the following VAT services in the Czech Republic:

  • Represent your company during the process of VAT registration 
  • Handle the communication with the Czech tax authorities
  • Ensure that you receive your VAT number as soon as possible
  • Register your company to the electronic One-Stop Shop (OSS) and Import One-Stop Shop (IOOS) systems in the Czech Republic
How to register for VAT in the Czech Republic?

The VAT registration process might be a bit challenging, especially for foreign companies. Therefore, we provide a brief summary that might help you during the registration process.

Intrastat reporting in the Czech Republic

When doing business with partners from other European countries, the movement of goods might generate the Intrastat reporting obligation. The reporting threshold for a company is set at CZK 12 million for exported and imported goods within a calendar year. In case your company exceeds the given limit, our team is ready to help you with the necessary reporting, such as:

  • Assessment of movements of goods from Intrastat perspective
  • Preparation and submission of reports
  • Communication with the customs authorities

VAT compliance services in the Czech Republic

Have your VAT agenda fully outsourced with our VAT services in the Czech Republic. Our experienced VAT team will take care of your VAT obligations and reporting based on the granted Power of Attorney and assist you with the initial reporting from your software. Our team will also help with the review of all your transactions from VAT point of view, and the preparation and submission of:

  • VAT return
  • VAT control statement
  • EC Sales list
  • OSS or IOSS return

Advisory services during negotiations with the tax authorities, legal disputes and litigations in the Czech Republic

Our experts can assist you with various negotiations and disputes with the tax authority and represent you in front of the Tax Authority – such as during tax audits, official questions of the tax authority on your business in the Czech Republic and beyond.

Assistance with reclaiming Czech VAT for foreign companies

We can assist you with reclaiming your Czech VAT in case that your foreign company realized some purchases with the Czech VAT during their economic activities in the Czech Republic and is not registered for VAT in the country.

VAT OVERVIEW FOR the Czech Republic

Learn more about the VAT rates, compliance, VAT return filing, VAT refund to EU member states or third countries, and more.

Assistance with reclaiming foreign VAT for the Czech Companies

Let us represent you with VAT refund from Another Member State in case your company is VAT registered in the Czech Republic and your employees incurred:

  • Transportation expenses (e.g. fuels, taxi fares)
  • Accommodation expenses
  • Purchases of goods in another member state with local VAT and the goods remained in that respective state
VAT refund from other EU Member State in the Czech Republic

When meeting specific conditions, Czech businesses can apply for a refund of VAT paid on goods and services in another EU member states. Who is entitled to it and what is the deadline for submission? Find out from our expert article.

VAT review of transactions in the Czech Republic

Our VAT experts can review the application of VAT within your transactions to optimise VAT liability and deductions within your company (or group). During the VAT review we analyse your accounting data to identify risk areas, errors, or opportunities for VAT savings.

VAT advisory services in specific areas in the Czech Republic

Our VAT services in the Czech Republic may include also the following:

  • Setting of chain transactions (successive supplies of the same goods between several parties, which are subject to a single transport)
  • Import of goods from third countries to EU
  • Intracommunity supplies of goods
  • Real estate transactions
  • Establishment of a VAT group
  • Consignment stock and more

E-commerce VAT services in the Czech Republic

Our VAT services in the Czech Republic for e-commerce are designed to help online marketplaces and their sellers to meet the new regulatory requirements for value-added tax. Our VAT experts ensure fast VAT registration together with VAT fillings supported by our RPA system to deliver high professional services in a fixed monthly package.

Expert VAT services in the Czech Republic – and across the globe

Operating in over 60 locations, we offer seamless VAT services in the Czech Republic and globally. Our empathetic experts bridge the gap between company needs and optimal solutions, fostering success and business growth . With extensive expertise and advanced technology, our local teams ensure comprehensive compliance and a deep understanding of market specifics. We provide precise and efficient VAT services tailored to regional needs. Contact us today to discover how our international VAT advisory can support your business!


Accace s.r.o. | Accace Legal s.r.o.,advokátní kancelář

CITY TOWER, Hvězdova 1716/2b, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic

Accace Outsourcing s.r.o.

1. máje 2673/3, 709 00 Ostrava, Česká republika
Vídeňská 995/63, 639 00 Brno, Česká republika
