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Accounting online portal

Digitalization I Automated booking I Real-time reporting

Accounting online portal

Digitalization I Automated booking I Real-time reporting

Smart document management, customized workflows, automated booking and real-time reporting: all within one online platform

Automation has become a common buzzword over the past few years, but there is good reason for it – especially when talking about accounting and bookkeeping. When used correctly, automation can increase a financial department’s current productivity levels by removing time- and resources-consuming tasks from daily work routines. As a result, accounting teams will have more time to focus on higher priority projects.

We leveraged our in-house designed technology to meet the evolving demands of our clients for a robust customer self-service option and improve the overall customer experience through direct engagement with our accounting online portal. Having gone the “build versus buy” route has given us a unique advantage, as we have no need to rely on other third parties for our portal requirements.

We make automation and technology work for you

Our online platform has been designed to simplify, automate and streamline accounting-related processes, reduce paperwork and related errors, gain better control and oversight, increase transparency over documents and workflows – and manage tasks in a secure and user-friendly cloud environment. Our users encounter no limitations – as the portal is accessible 24/7 from any small-screen device.

Rethink your processes

Simplify, automate and streamline accounting processes across the whole organization

Become fully digital

Move the entire document management into cloud, be paperless and manage all tasks online anytime and from anywhere

Gain complete overview

Get a better control over all accounting operations and keep on top of all updates you need

Manage your accounting documents and workflows with ease

Many businesses are now aiming to go paperless and are looking for the right tool to do so. Businesses generate a lot of paper, so choosing a reliable and scalable document management system is key to streamlining and automating the company’s workflows.

Our highly efficient platform can make for better overall performance, with the most basic reason being that you will have a place to store and organize your entire firm’s accounting documents in the cloud. Access permissions, back-up, and data protection are all part of the portal solution.

Our File manager module offers numerous benefits:

  • Swift and easy navigation begins as the customer-customized interface
  • Flexible folder structure with assigned workflows
  • Workflows with trackable access and action history using activity logs
  • Upload and export of data enabled in a number of various file formats and unlimited size
  • Or full document digitalization enabled via a web-based integrated scanner, OCR and validation system
  • Easy-to-track workflows and alert notifications about completed and pending tasks
  • All data accessible in a cloud archive, via assigned roles and limited access rights

The management of your purchase invoices can go fully paperless

Is your company still searching for a solution to create and prove each purchase invoice that will also be fully adjustable and perfectly fit your needs? With our accounting online portal you can easily access the following functions:

  • Create and track each one of your firm’s purchase invoices via assigned workflows
  • Our accounting team can even receive invoices from your suppliers directly via EDI or any other electronic way, it means no need to scan the paper documents and upload them to portal at your end, and provide them for your approval in the accounting online portal
  • Track the payment status of your purchase invoices in real time
  • Access to the cash register where you can view all your small purchases paid by card or cash
  • Never miss a deadline with the integrated alert email notification system
  • Purchase invoices repository with various browsing and filtering options, accessible in the cloud 24/7

Check the actual financial status of your company anytime

Using the accounting online portal, we will be processing your accounting data in real time and provide you with immediate updates and reports about your firm’s financial status. To help with inquiries, there is also a built-in, powerful search function that can be accessed at any time and offers seamless navigation.

Specifically, our Accounting online portal offers:

  • An overview of all your account balances
  • Real-time-reports on company payments due and payments made
  • Overview of the financial situation based on predefined KPIs
  • Reports on trends and anomalies in your cost and revenues structure
  • Access to any additional company reports and statistics, in a pre-agreed scope
  • Swift inquiry handling, while general inquiries are answered within 24 to 48 hours
  • Processes across multiple entities or even countries is streamlined; consolidated figures are easily generated for you to review

Real-time direct connection to your in-house accounting software and ERP solutions

Our accounting online portal can become a single interface to your accounting and bookkeeping processes, thanks to direct integration with your ERP system. As the connection is done in the pre-booking stage, you will be able to check the processing status of documents already approved and uploaded to your system. We are able to connect directly to many well-known ERP systems, such as Microsoft NAV, SAP, Asseco Helios, Asseco Spin and others.

Maximum security – a must for four accounting online portal

Robust security is a critical issue to all our clients, especially in this age of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. To counter these threats, our accounting online portal has been designed using best practice security architectures. We also have a team of in-house IT experts who have the expertise to work with you to ensure compliance with your firm’s security standards.
