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Ukraine moving to the second stage of quarantine relief | News Flash

May 22, 2020

According to the Government’s decision on May 20th, 2020, starting May 22 in those regions in Ukraine where epidemiological indicators meet the criteria set by the Ministry of Health regarding new cases of coronavirus infection spread, it will be allowed to:

  • restore the work of public transport (except metro)
  • holding sports events for up to 50 people without spectators
  • holding religious events (1 person per 10 sq.m)
  • hotel activities (without restaurants)

From May 25, it will be allowed:

  • the operation of the subway,
  • the operation of kindergartens.

The inter-regional transportation is not opened yet, it is planned for the next stage of quarantine relief in June.

The resumption of air transportation and opening of airports will be considered after June 15, 2020.

On May 20, 2020, the Government supported the decision to resume traffic at 66 checkpoints across the state border with countries where the epidemic situation has a predictable trend: Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Moldova.

Important: duration of the quarantine was prolonged until June 22, 2020 with some relief measures.

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