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Accace Celebrates its 10th Anniversary in September 2016 | Press Release

September 15, 2016
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Bratislava, 15 September  2016 – Accace celebrates its 10th Anniversary in September 2016. During its first decade on the market, the company managed to rank among the top outsourcing and advisory companies in the region.

Established 10 years ago, Accace has made a vow to bring innovation and fully digitalized services in the conservative environment of outsourcing and advisory. Nowadays, international corporations turn to Accace with confidence, seeking a trustworthy partner to enhance their strategic decisions.


Having established its first branch in Slovakia, Accace went further into the CEE region and managed to successfully incorporate branches in 5 other countries in less than 3 years: Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Poland and Ukraine.

Honouring its commitment to innovation and quality service providing, Accace found important to expand outside of the CEE region and in 2013 the company opened their first business in Germany. Furthermore, Accace has created since then a European network of Partners that can help its customers to successfully implement the same processes everywhere they operate.  As a consequence, in 2016, 98% of company´s customers claim they will contract it again and would recommend Accace to other companies.

Nowadays, Accace is offering services to customers in over 20 countries, via 7 own branches and a European network of Partners.

Accace dedicates its success to its committed customers and employees

Accace has exceeded my expectations in its first 10 years. This important milestone and the success we have reached in our first years are only growing our ambition to expand and bring the company to a global level in the next 10 years. Our ways are not always conventional for outsourcing and advisory business, but they have proved to be the right way in this age of digitalization and process automation.” –  Jiří Majer, CEO Accace.

Furthermore, Accace would not be the company it is today if it would not be for its dedicated and innovative customers and employees. Due to its top-notch and open minded employees who are not afraid to make and change the rules when needed, or to act as entrepreneurs and make decisions in a forever challenging industry,  Accace reached its ultimate goal: to innovate and increase  the quality of the services offered and the lives of its people.

We have managed to create a large community of customers and employees due to our strategy of being loyal and dedicated to them. We have not let them down during period of financial crisis or any other personal or business crisis and they have stayed by our side during our own hard times.  

Thus, I would like to thank and to ensure you that 10 years from now we will still stand by your side and we will never stop working hard to bring value to our community both on a personal and business level. “  – Jiří Majer, CEO Accace.

According to Jiří, nowadays it is crucial for all businesses to react flexibly to new market challenges and transform them into opportunities. Accace is driven by its effort to increase service efficiency. Unlike conventional outsourcing companies, Accace develops also its own unique IT solutions, ensuring that the firm and its clients manage efficiently all their internal processes.

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