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Accace has joined Giving Tuesday, the global movement of generosity

December 12, 2017
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On the 28th of November millions of people have joined the movement Giving Tuesday to support their own community. Many non-profit organizations, civic associations, companies, families and individuals had the chance to enrich each other by receiving or doing charity. Accace was no exception. Our colleagues had the chance to simultaneously volunteer for various activities during their work time. We quickly embraced this wonderful new tradition, because participating was absolutely simple – by doing something good.

Social media has once again proved its strength, since the hashtag #givingtuesday and additional related tags were trending all over the world. In Slovakia, simply by online promotion, the movement has successfully mobilized a vast amount of volunteers, helping more than 115 non-profit organizations by donating money, their time, know-how or whatever else that was needed.

Giving Tuesday came into existence as a contrast to the consumeristic shopping day, Black Friday. Internationally this day is celebrated the fifth time already, by doing charity – giving, sharing, whomever, whatever, wherever. This simple, yet strong movement, has already connected more than 50 000 organizations and millions of people, in 98 countries of the world. This year a Slovak grant and operational foundations Nadácia Pontis has successfully introduced it in Slovakia, and Accace was one of the companies who joined immediately. “We committed to pay attention to and fulfill not only our client’s requests, but also our environment’s. We closely identify with the idea of Giving Tuesday, therefore we have decided to participate in various activities,” explained Denisa Turzová, Marketing Team Leader. Accace has prepared a workshop on payroll and HR matters for employees of non-profit organizations. Some of our colleagues have participated in walking dogs from the shelter Sloboda zvierat (Freedom of animals), while others spent the afternoon in a retirement home creating festive crafts. Also, a lot of old electronics and gadgets were collected and delivered to an East-Slovakian orphanage.

The day of Giving has connected a lot of different people to do the same: practice generosity. Individuals and companies all participated to do something good they believe in. It doesn’t matter what they gave and to whom. The important thing is that they all joined in to make the world a better place at least for a day.

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