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Accace Hungary’s Christmas collection for a local community | CSR

December 12, 2022

It is with immense pride and great pleasure to announce that, as in previous years, Accace Hungary has once again joined forces to support the community of the residents of a small village located in Eastern Hungary. Furthermore, we are proud that our company values – such as teamwork, cooperation, and commitment – are present in both our colleagues and our corporate culture, and that we come together as one when it was about helping where needed.

There are nearly 140 families living in difficult circumstances in a small village, and they are very grateful for any donations and support. Last year we had to deal with the virus situation and were unable to deliver our donations in person, but we were delighted to be able to visit the village again after 2019 and personally deliver the warm clothes and gifts collected by our Accace colleagues.

Luckily for us, we were able to ‘team up’ with Santa Claus again, so in addition to the Elves, Accace Hungary also helped to fill the bag with 247 Santa Claus gift packages. We took the goodies and toys straight to where they were needed most, so our journey started at the village kindergarten, where nearly 50 children sang songs and poems in anticipation of Santa Claus, and in return, they were gifted with a Santa package and big hugs. We continued our journey to the local primary school, where many children were also delighted to see Santa Claus rewarding the young pupils.

The clothes collected by our colleagues were given to the leaders of the local municipality, who sorted them and targeted each item of clothing to the family where it was most needed.

This year, our aim was to exceed last year’s donation, and we decided to use the money for client donations for this noble cause, such as we did last year. With the help of our Colleagues, Accace Hungary has thus supported the Community with around 1400 kg of non-perishable food. Our aim is to donate items that will help the villagers in a long term, so we have distributed several kilograms of rice, cooking oil, sugar, flour, meat, cabbage, onions, and vegetables to each family.

We would like to take this opportunity once again to express our thanks and gratitude to our colleagues for all their efforts as well as to our Clients and Partners, without whom we would not be able to support and help those in need.

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