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ISO 14001: Accace makes another step to leave a positive imprint on the world

November 25, 2019
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We are pleased to announce that Accace has successfully acquired the certification for environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015. By using the tools and frameworks provided by the ISO standard, we can guarantee to our clients, colleagues and stakeholders that the environmental impact of our activities is monitored, measured and constantly improved.

ISO 14001: Our framework to set up an effective environmental management system

In order to obtain the certification, we performed an analysis of current processes and evaluated the risks involved. As a next step, we created and distributed a documentation to record information related to waste management for paper, plastic, glass, mixed- and electronic waste, the so-called “Waste register”. Consequently, a supportive legal documentation has been prepared.

It fills us with joy that our employees are fully aware of environmental concerns and the need for their personal engagement to achieve continuous positive progress. We are definitely not stopping here,” says Sylva Majerová, Risk and CSR Manager at Accace, “we already have various new projects to launch. What we value the most is the fact that these ideas come directly from our colleagues who are taking initiative in the creation and selection of projects.

Environmental awareness: a noble mission we are driven by

The goals of Accace go beyond achieving only financial results. Our mission is to support our colleagues and clients to reach their dreams while leaving a positive imprint on the world. Therefore, we are constantly steering our environmental responsibilities with great emphasize on the overall impact our activities have on other people and our planet. We have been implementing various projects to improve our environmental performance through better waste management, such as reduction and recycling, developing and using technology to diminish paperwork and gradually replacing the paper we use with recycled alternatives.

How we protect the environment by reducing paperwork

We reduce the paperwork across all our processes and document workflows

We developed our own cloud solution for electronic document management

Hundreds of our clients use our cloud solution to get rid of paper documents

We search for recycled alternatives and improve our waste management

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