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Accace moves to new headquarters in Bratislava: Follow us on our next step of growth

September 23, 2024
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We are excited to announce that Accace Headquarters, along with the Slovak branch office, will be moving to a new location. Effective October 1, 2024, our new office address will be:

As we celebrate 18 years of success since our founding in 2006, this change marks a significant milestone in our growth. Over nearly two decades, Accace has evolved and expanded, delivering exceptional services and building strong partnerships across the industry. This new, modern office space reflects our continued commitment to proactivity, growth and innovation, enabling us to serve our clients and partners even better.

“New premises bring fresh energy and opportunities. I am happy to see we have so many new colleagues that we need to scale up our office,” says Mihaela Pašek-Virlan, the CEO of Accace.

We are proud of our journey so far and look forward to welcoming you to our new location as we continue to build our legacy of excellence.

Our contact numbers and email addresses will remain the same.

Accace moves to new headquarters in Bratislava
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