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Accace Romania runners at Bucharest Half Marathon, supporting the “Planting good deeds in Romania” NGO

May 15, 2018
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Sunday took place the 7th edition of the Bucharest Half Marathon, where our colleagues participated in the 3 and 10 km races, in order to support the “Planting good deeds in Romania” non-governmental organization, but also to promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage overcoming your own limits.

Planting good deeds in Romania is a national afforestation initiative based on voluntary work, which aims to set in motion civic society in protecting and growing forests in Romania and Moldova. Starting with 2011 up to the date, almost 32.000 volunteers planted 664.328 trees on 207.4 hectares of unproductive land in 22 counties.

P.S. Until May 25th, you can still direct 2% of your income tax to help save forests in Romania. You can find more details about the steps you need to follow on their website:


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