Beware of job offer scams: Accace does not recruit via Telegram, WhatsApp or similar channels. All official job listings are published only on official Accace websites, verified social profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) and trusted job portals.

Corporate and secretarial services

In order to help companies that are new to our market we have developed a wide range of professional services, covering the go-to-market research, tailored incorporation and necessary administrative support for the business start, followed by a full package of tax and legal advisory, accounting, tax and payroll services. Take advantage of having a highly experienced local team at hand and focus on growing your business as if all the differences of an unknown market have been ironed out.


  • Stay compliant, mitigate legal risks and improve efficiency of your local and international operations
  • Manage opportunities and take well-informed business decisions, by having access to the best practices fitting the market


  • Access a well-matched team of corporate, legal and tax experts backed up by an international network of in-house advisers
  • Certified processes for business continuity, top-level security and data protection, service quality and environmental management according to ISO standards across all locations


  • Access our Advisory online portal to interact more efficiently and improve your user experience with our corporate and advisory services

Order our services online and get advice for your business whenever you need it. Faster than ever before. Browse through our service offering, revise the scope and details on pricing and access our consultant’s calendar to book the date and time that fits you. We are ready to provide you with a wide range of services, such as:

Free market entry


Corporate and legal

Tax advisory and more

Accace operates internationally as Accace Circle, a co-created business community of like-minded BPO providers and advisors who deliver outstanding services with elevated customer experience and erase the borders of service delivery. Covering over 60 jurisdictions with more than 7,000 professionals, we support over 80,000 customers, mostly mid-size and international Fortune 500 companies from various sectors, and process at least 800,000 pay slips globally. 
