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Company liquidation services

Company liquidation services

At your request, we will initiate the procedure with the announcement of a company’s entry into liquidation process and assure all statutory requirements are followed. We will prepare the resolution on company dissolution without its legal successor and other related documents, handle the required registrations to the local Trade Register, publish the information about your company’s liquidation in the Official Gazette and notify all respective authorities as well as possible creditors about the company status.

Moreover, we will work closely with our accounting and tax consultants in order to ensure that all statements for the liquidation period as well as for the period preceding the liquidation are processed, including the tax return related statements. We will also draft the final trustee’s report about the liquation process and propose how to dispose of the liquidation balance.

Our corporate consultants will also work closely with our internal legal advisors and support you with the termination of contracts with your company’s partners, clients and employees.

After all the legal requirements are done, we will deliver the tax returns and financial statements for the liquidation period to the competent authorities, communicate with the respective tax administrator when applying for approval of deregistration of the company and deregister the company from the Trade Register.

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We have years of experience in supporting businesses to grow internationally. If you are a well-established company willing to expand to Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia or Ukraine we offer you free consultancy, that may include:

  • Brief analysis of your needs based on the information provided
  • Country-specific aspects that may be important to your investment
  • Basics of legal, tax and accounting rules applicable for you