Beware of job offer scams: Accace does not recruit via Telegram, WhatsApp or similar channels. All official job listings are published only on official Accace websites, verified social profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) and trusted job portals.

Sale of ready-made companies

Sale of ready-made companies

Because time doesn’t always allow entrepreneurs to go through a full establishment process due to the risk of losing a limited business opportunity, Accace has designed a special ready-made (shelf) company package, as an alternative to the lengthier process of company setup.

A ready-made (shelf) company package will include a series of other advantages such as the guarantee of a a fully paid up capital, no debts, possibility to change the name of the company, its address and directors. Moreover, our clients will benefit within the same package from a series of administrative and consultancy services ensuring a successful and fast sale and transfer:

  • Transfer of business shares
  • Convening the company´s general meeting
  • Assistance when applying for business license and other license
  • Tax registration of the company
  • Preparation and submission of application for registration of changes in the Company register
  • Notifying relevant local authorities about changes
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We have years of experience in supporting businesses to grow internationally. If you are a well-established company willing to expand to Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia or Ukraine we offer you free consultancy, that may include:

  • Brief analysis of your needs based on the information provided
  • Country-specific aspects that may be important to your investment
  • Basics of legal, tax and accounting rules applicable for you