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Checklist for e-shops in Romania: Essential legal requirements for an ecommerce | Infographic

October 28, 2024
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Having an ecommerce website can be a great competitive advantage for your business. But before launching it, you must make sure that it meets the essential legal requirements for an ecommerce business in Romania. In order to facilitate the process, we prepared for you a useful checklist for e-shops in Romania, to make sure that everything is in order with your ecommerce platform.

Establishment of e-shops in Romania – registration process

  1. The company is obliged to extend the object of activity with the CAEN code 4791 – Retail sale via mail order houses or via internet.
  2. The declaration that all the personal data provided by the consumer will remain strictly confidential, will not be disclosed to third parties and will be used only for the purpose of concluding the agreement. The operator will have to comply with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679.
  3. It is not necessary to use a cash register in case the collection of money from individuals is done:
    • Through bank transfer
    • Through a courier company that issues the receipt based on the invoice issued by your company (the courier company has the right to collect the money with the receipt and will transfer the money to your account according to the contract)
      In these cases, the supporting document for such deliveries is the invoice with all the elements regulated by the Fiscal Code.
  4. The elements that must be clearly pointed out on your e-commerce website (see below our checklist):
A separate link to ANPC – National Authority of Romania for Consumers Protection and ANPC_SAL page (, link to the page on online dispute resolution.

Note: the companies which manage sales websites, take online orders and/or advertise products and/or services, tourist services, selling tourist service packages or plane tickets, including e-commerce – electronic commerce, are obliged to display on the first page of the site – home page (within menu bar of the page) the icons provided in annex no. 2 of the Order 449/2022 respectively the relevant link to ANPC SAL page and EU SOL page. 
The name of the company which administrates the e-shop and the name of your company, including all the identification and contact data
The charges for the products exposed for sale
Including warranty conditions and warranty period
Terms and conditions
The general agreement between your company and the customer– under the section: “Terms and Conditions”
Security measures
The company has to adopt the security measure to ensure the safety of the processed personal data
Cookies policy
The Company must publish a cookie policy. Each time a consumer visits the Company’s websites, they will be asked to accept or decline cookies. 

The purpose is to allow the site to remember consumer preferences (such as username, language, etc.) for a certain period.

Cookies may also be used to create anonymized statistics about the browsing experience on those sites. 
The Company can use the personal data of the consumer only with its prior consent for marketing purpose (newsletters or other promotional materials)
The declaration that all the personal data provided by the consumer will remain strictly confidential, will not be disclosed to third parties and will be used only for the purpose of concluding the agreement
Silviu Constantin
Legal Director | Accace Romania
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