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Expat tax in Romania: 2025 guide| eBook

February 4, 2025

Are you employing expats or sending your employees across the border? If so, there is a number of fiscal obligations you must comply with. Our Romanian experts gathered the most important aspects of cross-border mobility regarding tax and labour law. Learn about conditions on tax residency, personal income tax, social security and health insurance contributions or penalties for non-compliance in our eBook on expat tax in Romania.

Download our expat tax guide for Romania, or check out our brief infographic summary below

Overview of key facts related to expats in Romania

Our local tax, payroll and labour law experts are here to help you – as an expat or an employer – to obtain essential expert advice, so that you can effectively address all the matters related to cross-border mobility in Romania and other locations globally.

Tax residency

A person is a Romanian tax resident, if:

has a permanent home in Romania

is present in Romania for a period (or more periods) exceeding a total of 183 days, during any 12 consecutive months, ending in the current calendar year

is a Romanian citizen working abroad, as an official or employee of Romania in a foreign state

has the centre of vital interests in Romania

Tax rate



Tax period

Calendar year

Social security contributions



Health insurance contributions



Tax return filing

The tax return is due by:

25th day of the month following the payment

Penalties related to tax

Delayed filing of the tax return: from EUR 105 up to EUR 1,050

Delayed payment of the due tax: 0.03% per day of delay and a fine from EUR 210 up to EUR 2,900

Delayed or missing registrations at tax authorities: from EUR 105 up to EUR 1,050

Delayed or missing report on monthly salary or withholding tax from salary: from EUR 105 up to EUR 1,050 and for taxes and contributions subject to withholding tax from EUR 210 up to EUR 2,900

Penalties related to social security

Not requesting an A1 form from the respective authorities: from EUR 1,050 up to EUR 1,850

Delayed report on social security: from EUR 105 up to EUR 1,050

Delayed payment of the social security contributions: 0.03% per day of delay and a fine from EUR 210 up to EUR 2,900

Delayed or missing registrations for the purposes of social security: from EUR 105 up to EUR 1,050

Penalties related to health insurance

Delayed report on health insurance: from EUR 1,050 up to EUR 1,850

Delayed payment of the health insurance contributions: from EUR 105 up to EUR 1,050

Delayed or missing registrations for the purposes of health insurance: 0.03% per day of delay and a fine from EUR 210 up to EUR 2,900

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