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We are launching the next international round of our AceON Accelerator program and offering investments for start-ups across Europe | Press release

August 15, 2024
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At Accace, together with our strong VC partner ZAKA, we are launching the next international round of our AceON Accelerator program. This is going to be the 4th batch of our pan-European program for tech start-ups, designed to help and support pre-seed companies developing tech solutions such as applications, platforms, marketplaces, online tools, and more, with the potential to expand globally. 

Investments and knowledge for start-ups 

We continuously refine each batch based on feedback from participants in previous programs, and we firmly believe that the Autumn Accelerator 2024, starting on October 15th, will be our best one yet. 

Along with intensive education tailored for tech founders, opportunities to meet experienced mentors, and being part of the international founders’ community, there is also a guaranteed investment of €40K for two start-ups following the grand finale –  Demo Day – at the end of November. 

Teams will gain extensive knowledge through the program’s focus on: 

  • Understanding venture capital and fundraising
  • Pitch deck creation and pitch training
  • Validation and go-to-market strategy
  • Business model development
  • Learning how to sell the product to customers

CEO of Accace among mentors 

During the program, selected start-ups have the opportunity to receive advice and feedback from mentors who are industry experts and C-level executives. We are happy that Mihaela Pašek-Virlan, CEO at Accace, Laura Stefan, Managing Director at Accace Romania and Peter Pašek, Managing Director & Partner at Accace Slovakia also participate as mentors. 

Peter Pašek co-founded the AceON Accelerator alongside Ján Kasper from ZAKA VC. He has been personally involved for many years as an expert mentor and advisor, assisting founders with company sales and exits (such as the sale of Minit Process Mining to Microsoft), managing transactions and taxes, and representing the company in discussions with investors. 

Who can apply to AceON Accelerator?  

Autumn Accelerator 2024 is an industry-agnostic program inviting start-ups from HealthTech, BioTech, Hospitality, EdTech, and other sectors.  

In addition to the agnostic approach, we want to focus also on start-ups developing solutions for businesses and corporations. Therefore, for the first time we have within the program specialization in Enterprise Tech start-ups. Why have we added this specialization? Accace, as an international advisory company, is a perfect place where founders can potentially discuss their solutions with target customers, and even test their product, and get feedback.

Apply now

Interested start-ups can apply through the AceON Accelerator website by September 15th.

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