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Meal tickets in Romania can increase to the value of RON 15

January 3, 2017

Starting December 1st, the nominal value of a meal ticket in Romania can increase up to RON 15, according to Law no. 128/17 November 2016 amending article 3, paragraph 1 of Law no. 142/1998 regarding meal tickets granting.

The employer is free to decide whether to grant meal tickets on paper or electronic support/card, and also their value, in consultation with his employees, through legally constituted unions or employee representatives, as appropriate.

For the past 11 years, the evolution of meal tickets’ value revealed an upward trend, from RON 7 in 2005. Currently , the value of a meal ticket is RON 9.57, among the lowest in the European Union. Finland occupies a leading position in the ranking, the maximum value of a ticket being approximately EUR 10.2.

Meal tickets are one of the main benefits included in salary packages offered to employees in Romania and are deductible for corporate tax purposes and exempted from social security contributions for both employers and employees.

In addition, they are a very effective tool for reducing evasion, amounts relating to meal tickets being fully declared and, therefore, taxed.

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