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Notebooks and toys for foster home | Accace Slovakia

February 14, 2018
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This winter Accace Slovakia donated 5 notebooks for a foster home of St. Klement Hofbauer in Podolín, Slovakia. That way our colleagues have contributed to the improvement of the conditions of upbringing and education of children from a socially disadvantaged environment. Our Slovak branch office has organized a charity collection for the home, in which they’ve gathered electronics (mobile phones, playstation with games, netbooks, music player, etc.), toys and sports equipment, so that the children can play in their free time and do a little bit of sport as well. The TULIP staff, who donated their hockey sticks from their IT summer camp, also took part in the collection. In return, the kids sent us some photos, posing with gifts, and a handmade wooden angel to express their gratitude.

We would like to thank our colleagues from Accace Slovakia and TULIP for being involved in such an act of kindness. Further, we encourage all of you to do a good deed and help those in need.

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