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Report on Accace’s corporate social responsibility: our achievements in 2018

May 2, 2019
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“Our mission is to support our clients, colleagues and partners
in reaching their dreams, while leaving a positive imprint on the world.”

Coming up with impactful sentences for a company’s mission and scale of values is easy but living by the statement is what makes it challenging. In a busy world where each of us are overwhelmed with day-to-day activities, finding an hour for welfare projects might be difficult. But after all, it all comes down to the mindset. In Accace, we strongly believe that giving something to local communities and people involved in them is as important as any other service the company is providing. Therefore, we are constantly seeking causes to support, movements to lift, ideas to come true and do good.

Generally, we are focusing on four main areas: sustainability, community support, education and providing pro bono expert services. These interests sprouted naturally from our mission and values, but at the same time, we are constantly exploring new grounds where we can make a positive change. To great extent, the suggestions come directly from our colleagues, who acknowledge their privilege of well-being and try to bring the same for others.

While summarizing the year 2018, we came across great numbers.

Accace Czech Republic | Prague

Our Prague branch office in the Czech Republic had 30 colleagues who engaged in 18 various activities during the last year. They held pro bono workshops, supported various foundations and causes for disabled children, donated blood, participated on charity runs, provided financial support for families in difficult situations, invested into trips and magazines for seniors and an educational program for children. The overall financial aid exceeds EUR 12 600, while our colleagues provided 129 hours of help during their working hours, which translates to further EUR 2 410 calculated from hourly rates.

30 colleagues

18 activities

EUR 15,087

129 hours of helping

Accace Czech Republic | Brno

Our other Czech branch office, located in Brno, engaged 5 colleagues in 16 activities, including workshops, financial support for animal shelters, premature babies, oncological patients, endowment funds, children and families in difficult situations, financed a summer camp and supported people in wheelchairs. Their efforts resulted in donations as high as EUR 18 200 for good cause.

5 colleagues

16 activities

EUR 18,200

3 projects with everyone involved

Accace Hungary

In Hungary, 8 activities were organized. All employees were continuously involved in CSR programs. They held presentations for school kids on economic topics, and ran charity half-marathons, while continuously providing accounting services for an organization aiming to clean the environment and regularly financing a public fund. Activities, in which all employees took part, included collecting and donating goods to people in need and maintaining the area of a 400 years old tree. On top of that, the branch put a high emphasize on recycling by introducing waste sorting in the office. The overall donations resulted in approximately EUR 2 400, while they spent 18 working hours on the activities, adding an extra EUR 260 to their expenses for charity.

20 colleagues

8 activities

EUR 2,660

18 hours of helping

Everyone continuously involved

Accace Poland

Our Polish branch office supported 7 causes and involved 24 colleagues to participate. They joined an environmental campaign to rescue horses by collecting paper waste, supported disabled children, ran charity relays, engaged all employees in a national social campaign by counting their kilometres and donating the same amount in finances, provided marketing advisory to a foundation, collected and donated food as a team and raised money for further donations. Their efforts translated into more than EUR 1 600 provided for charity, while the colleagues spent 111 working hours and 19 weekend hours, which means an additional cost of EUR 2 210.

24 colleagues

7 activities

EUR 3,810

130 hours of helping

1 project with everyone involved

Accace Romania

Regarding our colleagues in Romania, they continuously involved all employees in 10 activities, which included charity runs, donations of goods collected internally by all employees and joining a non-profit organization to support and cheer-up children in local hospitals. Their financial aid resulted in EUR 1 346, but it cannot compare to the 176 precious hours they spent for charity during the weekend.

75 colleagues

10 activities

EUR 1,346

176 hours of helping

Accace Slovakia

At last, but not least, 16 activities were held in our Slovak branch office, which means 88 colleagues actively involved. They provided pro bono advisory and workshops for non-profit organizations, regularly volunteered to maintain a local park, swapped clothes internally, organized an educational program for all employees about environmental and ecological issues, ran for charity, donated goods, prepared and distributed food for homeless people, joined a project supporting young entrepreneurs, supported families in need and fulfilled the Christmas wishes of socially disadvantaged children. Their overall financial aid exceeds EUR 3 400, while our colleagues provided 963 amazing hours of help during their working days, which means further EUR 19 252 calculated from hourly rates.

88 colleagues

16 activities

EUR 22,652

963 hours of helping

Together we donated EUR 63 890, actively involved at least 167 colleagues. spent 1 220 working hours and 233 hours during our free time.

Our generosity exceeded last year’s results by more than 20 000€ and 11 colleagues.

In the current year, let’s keep giving back and support our environment to leave a positive imprint on the world.

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